
George W. Bush and Laura Bush will be at Trump’s inauguration

Ex-President George W. Bush and former first lady Laura Bush have announced plans to attend the inauguration of Donald Trump later this month in Washington.

It was previously reported that the only ex-president to attend the high-profile ceremony would be Jimmy Carter.

Bush’s brother, Jeb, was a frequent target of Trump’s attacks during the presidential race and the Bush family didn’t endorse Trump.

However, there is still no indication the inauguration will be attended by ex-President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary Clinton, who lost to Trump in the general election.

Ex-President George H.W. Bush, who uses a wheelchair, is not expected to attend.

“President and Mrs. George W. Bush will attend the 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony on January 20, 2017, at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.,” a statement from George W. Bush’s office read.

“They are pleased to be able to witness the peaceful transfer of power — a hallmark of American democracy — and swearing-in of President Trump and Vice President Pence,” read the statement.
