
Judge slams Spitzer ‘hooker’ after she refuses to leave jail cell

A Manhattan judge told a reputed Russian call girl — who is charged with extorting hooker-loving ex-New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer — to just get over herself Tuesday, after the woman refused to leave her cell in order to dodge media.

Svetlana Travis Zakharova refused to leave her cell in order to dodge media.Steven Hirsch

“I’ve had cases with much more press coverage than this,” Justice Charles Solomon told a lawyer for Svetlana Travis Zakharova. “If she doesn’t come out, there will be serious consequences.”

Attorney Joseph Murray went back to the pen and re-emerged with a glum-faced Zakharova, wearing a prison-issue sweatsuit.

The feisty escort allegedly squeezed $400,000 from Spitzer by threatening to expose their illicit relationship to his family and the media.

Zakharova, 25, told her lawyer before Tuesday’s proceeding that she didn’t want to be photographed by awaiting shooters.

Murray argued in Manhattan Supreme Court that, “The nature of the pictures is of her appearing in a highly prejudicial way.”

The no-nonsense jurist said that he’s had “much higher profile” defendants who don’t hide in their holding cells.

During the brief hearing, her new lawyer introduced himself to the court and the judge adjourned the case to Feb. 14.

Zakharova is also charged with trying to extort an unnamed victim and forging his signature on a lease agreement.

She’s currently being held on $1 million bond.
