Sex & Relationships

Nerds have fallen in love with Overwatch porn

Overwatch may have been crowned Game of the Year across multiple gaming awards, but Blizzard’s hero shooter has been immensely popular elsewhere too.

Since the game’s launch in May, 2016, Overwatch’s roster of heroes have appeared on many major porn sites and have been very in demand.

In fact, the characters have proved so popular on leading site PornHub that Overwatch has actually outranked both anal and threesome in its top search terms of 2016.

But what’s really interesting is that there’s a clear hierarchy to what characters do well with the porn consumers.

Here’s how they rank according to PornHub’s viewing stats, as requested by the curious bunch over at Kotaku:

  1. Tracer: 2,421,530
  2. D. Va: 1,544,587
  3. Mercy: 1,218,236
  4. Widowmaker: 992,994
  5. Sombra: 474,390
  6. Mei: 311,874
  7. Pharah: 213,440
  8. Ana: 118,711
  9. Symmetra: 32,352
  10. Lucio: 22,808
  11. Athena: 17,029
  12. Reaper: 7,029
  13. McCree: 6,423
  14. Genji: 3,997
  15. Roadhog: 3,661
  16. Hanzo: 2,048
  17. Soldier: 76: 1,676
  18. Winston: 882
  19. Reinhardt: 453
  20. Bastion: 197

Tracer is the clear winner here, followed by D. Va, who is nearly 1 million searches behind. Unfortunately for the men and their lack of jiggly parts, Lucio is the first to feature way down the list at number 10 with a mere 22,808 searches.

It’s funny that a robot like Bastion could rank above other humanoid characters like Zarya and Zenyatta, but hey, the people want what they want.

With regards to the low rankings of the male characters, it’s worth mentioning that on PornHub the clientele is mostly straight men, but elsewhere the OverWatch erotic stories and artwork tend to lean more to the women and LGTBQ orientations.

In terms of PornHub’s most search for terms, Overwatch ranks at 11 and is the only new phrase to enter the list this year.

VR porn is also on the up, rising a whopping 855 percent in Canada over 2016, those tech savvy strokers, and 722 percent in France
