Matt Barnes turning himself in for ‘teeing off’ on woman in club

NBA star Matt Barnes is set to turn himself in for allegedly assaulting a woman at a nightclub in Chelsea, police sources said Friday.

Barnes is accused of choking the 26-year-old woman at club Avenue on 10th Avenue near West 17th Street around 2:30 a.m. Dec. 5.

Myrone Powell (right) is a witness to the alleged attack.Matt McDermott

The woman wasn’t identified, but sources said she was the girlfriend of Myron Powell, the victim in the melee who tried to intervene.

Barnes, who plays forward for the Sacramento Kings, allegedly clocked Powell in the faces, sources said.

“He teed off on his [Powell’s] girlfriend,” a police source said. “Other people in the crowd were like, what’s going on? And the victim came to her aid. Barnes started swinging and throwing down. Barnes was out of control.”

Sources added that Barnes’ teammate DeMarcus Cousins was also partying the club that night.

Powell was also punched and hit in the face with a glass bottle by an unknown man, sources said.

He suffered scratches, bruising to both eyes and nose and a lump on his forehead.

Powell told cops he was punched and kicked in the face — but never mentioned that he was struck with the bottle.

Barnes, 36, is expected to be charged with misdemeanor assault. Alex Spiro, who represents the 6-foot-7 basketball player, declined to comment.

Barnes has defended himself on Instagram, saying, “There’s always two sides to a story.”
