
This secret office is suspended under a bridge

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A Spanish furniture designer has created a vertigo-inducing hidey-hole office space under a bridge in Valencia.Jose Manuel Pedrajas
Fernando Abellanas built his secret office by hand. It's about 16 feet above the ground.Jose Manuel Pedrajas
He uses a crank that moves a wood-and-metal platform (and himself) into position beneath a desk and chair bolted to the concrete bridge.Jose Manuel Pedrajas
Abellanas was inspired by childhood hideaways, like cabins.Jose Manuel Pedrajas
He even spends some evenings in his nook under the bridge.Jose Manuel Pedrajas
Sketches from Abellanas' design.Jose Manuel Pedrajas

Acrophobes, beware.

Or at least don’t visit plumber-turned-furniture designer Fernando Abellanas’ studio, which is suspended beneath a bridge in Valencia, Spain.

Abellanas built the workplace himself, bolting a chair, desk and two shelves to the bridge’s concrete underside, according to design website The Spaces.

The under-bridge office is inconspicuous when boarded up.Jose Manuel Pedrajas

A wooden-and-metal base is cranked into place beneath the setup. When it’s rolled back, his chair and drafting table floating in midair makes for a chilling sight.

A video, also picked up by Curbed, shows the vertiginous way Abellanas accesses his troll-like lair. He also keeps a blanket and pillow on a shelf and is captured laying them out to sleep as traffic and trains roll by.

The designer, whose DIY chops are reportedly self-taught, won’t disclose the exact location of his hidey-hole for fear it will be discovered.

“The project is an ephemeral intervention,” Abellanas told The Spaces. “[It will remain] until someone finds it and decides to steal the materials, or the authorities remove it.”
