US News

Pope Francis arrives in Japan to preach against nuclear weapons

Pope Francis touched down in Japan Saturday for a visit to preach against the dangers of nuclear weapons. The visit is the second leg of a weeklong swing through Asia for the pontiff, who made his first stop in Thailand.

While in Japan, Francis. 82, is expected to meet with bishops in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Reuters reported.  Both locations were struck by atomic bombs within days of each other in the summer of 1945 as the U.S. sought to bring a final conclusion to World War II.

“I wish to meet those who still bear the wounds of this tragic episode in human history,” Francis said, the wire service reported.

It’s the first time a Pope has visited Japan in 38 years. Francis will spend four days in the country and is expected to meet with top officials including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Emperor Naruhito, NHK reported.
