
Trump will ‘compel’ Adam Schiff to testify in impeachment trial

President Trump predicted Saturday that Rep. Adam Schiff will be forced to testify in the Senate impeachment trial he is pushing Republicans to launch.

“Adam Schiff will be compelled to testify should the Democrats decide, despite the fact that my presidential conversations were totally appropriate (perfect), to go forward with the Impeachment Hoax,” Trump tweeted Saturday.

He also pointed to several recent polls that, he said, “have now turned very strongly against Impeachment!”

Trump said Friday that a trial in the Senate will clear him of accusations that he tried to force Ukraine to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden for his own political benefit.

“I want a trial,” he said on the Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends.”

Republicans have accused Schiff (D-California), who chaired last week’s House impeachment hearings, of coordinating with the whistleblower who complained about Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
