
Top Chinese diplomat says US relations at ‘new crossroads’

There is a chance for the US and China to “open a new window of hope,” and begin a new round of dialogue, China’s foreign minister said Saturday.

Wang Yi did not mention President Trump or President-elect Joe Biden by name during an interview with official media outlets, but he said that relations between the two countries had reached a “new crossroads” after a period of “unprecedented difficulty,” Reuters reported.

Wang said that recent US policies toward China had harmed the interests of both countries and brought huge dangers to the world.

Biden’s election is widely expected to help improve relations, but the two countries have tensions across multiple issues, from secrecy regarding the coronavirus pandemic to tensions over Taiwan and human rights issues. Biden has criticized China for “abuses” on trade and other issues.

Wang called on the US to “respect the social system and development path” chosen by China, adding that if Washington “learns lessons,” the conflicts between the two sides could be resolved.

With Post wires
