
Suspected MoMA stabber rants on social media as cops continue hunt

The deranged homeless man sought in the stabbings of two Museum of Modern Art employees went on a bizarre rant on social media Sunday — while still on the run from cops.

“Bipolar is a tough road to hoe,” Gary Cabana railed on Facebook. “Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde on the 2 ‘supposed’ days I ‘acted up: 2/24 +. 3/9. Total blind side when I got ‘the letter’ from Daniel P.

“NOTE to catty beeyotches of the world, words are sharper than knives,” the rant said. “THEN U get framed ind (sic) evicted from MoMA (not just the movies, ALL THE ART too by a bitter old woman who shushes U when U LAUGH during a comedy. She’s the menace, NOT ME.”

Cabana, 60, calls the allegations a “total frame job” by officials at the museum.

“What is worse? Hackers or Journos,” he wrote. “Right now, I LOVE MY HACKERS for taking my mind off this frame job by MoMA. THERE WERE NO DISRUPTIONS.”

Gary Joe Cabana allegedly went on a crazed rant while on the run from police about bipolar disorder. Instagram/@gary_joe_cab
According to police, the man who was responsible for the attack at the MoMa posted a video on March 13, 2022 talking about his bipolar disorder. DCPI

In a seeming reference to the Saturday afternoon bloodshed, he wrote, “It wasn’t SCREAM 6 at MoMA it was poke poke poke wake-up call. y [sic] the frame job MoMA, get yer facts straight.”

Cabana also taunted cops on his Instagram page while responding to commenters who urged him to turn himself in to police. 

“They knew who I was all along but the morons wasted hours searching the museum when I was OBVIOUSLY LONG GONE with hundreds of witnesses WATCHING but no HEROES in the crowd that day,” he gloated to one user.

“NYC has turned in to a bunch of MIND-YO-BIDNESS PUSSIES,” he wrote. “Not one person followed me as I run down 53td st (sic) with a bloody face from where the security hit me with a piece of lucite….”

He added the hashtag, “poetic justice.”

Gary Cabana claims to be a Big Apple culture buff who frequents Broadway theaters, local music venues and museums, including MoMA. Instagram/@gary_joe_cab
Cabana allegedly freaked when he was turned away around 4 p.m. while trying to get into a screening of “Bringing Up Baby” at the museum, authorities said. Instagram/@gary_joe_cab

Disturbing video released by police on Sunday shows a man identified as Cabana hopping over the counter at the famed museum and stabbing the workers after he was told his subscription had been canceled.

Police said Cabana had two outbursts at the museum, which prompted his membership to be terminated — and led to the Saturday attack.

He fled the museum and was still on the run Sunday afternoon — when he posted the twisted screed on his Facebook page.

Police said Cabana had two outbursts at the museum, which prompted his membership to be terminated. Instagram/@gary_joe_cab

Cabana allegedly freaked when he was turned away around 4 p.m. while trying to get into a screening of “Bringing Up Baby” at the museum, authorities said. Both victims were taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

Police converged on the Midtown homeless shelter where Cabana lives on Sunday and spent hours questioning staffers and residents before leaving empty-handed.

“I know him,” said resident Elmer Olsen, 64. “He’s my neighbor. Been here about three weeks. Three or four weeks. He’s quiet. Never says a word. Just nodded.”

According to his Instagram page, Cabana claims to be a Big Apple culture buff who frequents Broadway theaters, local music venues and museums, including MoMA.

Officials at the museum did not respond to requests for comment Sunday.

Additional reporting by Kevin Sheehan
