
Letters to the Editor — March 20, 2022

Diners’ woes
I used to dine at Manhattan restaurants about two evenings a week, but I no longer do, primarily because parking has become too difficult as bicycle lanes and racks have taken the spaces (“NYC’s Devastated Eateries,” Editorial, March 15).

In nice weather, I would sometimes walk, which is no longer a safe option due to crime.

It’s yet another example of the unintended consequences of liberal policies, which hard-working restaurant owners and staff are paying for.

Andrew Feinman

Sesame’s ‘Luis’
We will never forget Emilio Delgado, who played Luis on Sesame Street (“ ‘Sesame St.’s Luis, 81, dies,” March 11).

He taught our children for five decades. My son was four when Sesame Street started in 1971. He learned to read before he started school thanks to the show.

We remember all the early cast who started then, including Mr. Hooper.

Thank you, Mr. Delgado. You played a big part in the early learning of our children, and we are very grateful. Rest in peace.

Carole Belhumer
Closter NJ

Close Rikers
I was saddened to see your recent editorial, “Scrap Blas’ ‘Replace Rikers’ Plan” (March 9).

As a Forest Hills resident, I attended Uniform Land Use Review Procedure meetings with my neighbors and friends in support of closing Rikers Island and replacing the current Queens Detention Facility with a facility designed with humanity, dignity and respect for all.

During the hearings, I watched my neighbor cry as she shared her own story of trauma while detained on Rikers Island and the Queens Detention Facility.

I have lived in this neighborhood for nearly a decade now. I understand the root causes of incarceration (untreated mental health and substance use disorders, lack of education and employment opportunities, etc.) as well as the trauma women in particular experience before, during and after incarceration.

I am in support of closing Rikers Island — a toxic penal colony with a long history of abuse and violence.

Christina Lachina
Forest Hills

Attack on schools
As a long-retired 30-year veteran teacher of the New York City public school system and a member of the United Federation of Teachers, headed at the time by Randi Weingarten, I cannot speak highly enough of the column written by Douglas Murray (“Woke schools make degrade,” March 11).

He has accurately described the forces at work that have so insidiously undermined our public school system.

Sadly, Weingarten and teacher unions across the country have contributed significantly to the effort, leaving disgruntled parents to now take it upon themselves to ensure that their children receive a proper education, free of the radical claptrap the extremist elements seek to impose upon them.

David Shapiro

No pot shops
Children can’t walk outside in New York City for more than a few blocks without breathing in marijuana fumes (“Castin’ the 1st stoner,” March 11).

Marijuana is known to impair brain development in children. Why should our children have to breathe it so that some drug pusher can get rich and some politician can get druggie votes?

People high on marijuana are more likely to engage in domestic violence and are less productive at work, which is the last thing New York’s ailing economy needs.

The way to help the city’s economy and stop the explosion of crime is to lock up criminals, not make marijuana use legal.

Gamaliel Isaac

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.
