
Shock at return of NYC teacher who sucked man’s nipple in Zoom class

A Manhattan Spanish teacher yanked from the classroom after investigators found she sucked on a man’s nipple during a Zoom class returned to the same school this month — stunning students who had witnessed the lewd display.

“It’s weird. It’s wrong,” a junior told The Post. “It was so embarrassing for her to come back.”

The city Department of Education’s handling of the incident — one of the most bizarre during the pandemic — showed insensitivity and a  failure to communicate with students and parents. 

The DOE removed teacher Amanda K. Fletcher from Columbia Secondary School for Math, Science, and Engineering amid the COVID-19 shutdown in October 2020 after investigators found she “engaged in an inappropriate sex act” while remotely instructing her class.

During the lesson, “Profesora Fletcher,” as students called her, sat at a kitchen table eating spaghetti with a shirtless man standing behind her. She appeared to “suckle” on the man’s nipple while rocking back and forth, then turned to the camera, smiled and wiggled her shoulders, the Special Commissioner of Investigation for city schools reported. 

The DOE removed Amanda K. Fletcher (above) from Columbia Secondary School for Math, Science, and Engineering in October 2020.

“Oh my God, are you seeing what I’m seeing?” a student in the class  asked a friend.
“She was eating pasta full-on. Then a half-naked guy came on,” the student told The Post. 

After taking her mouth off the man’s chest, Fletcher ”did a little shimmy,” the student recalled. “She wasn’t hiding it. It was a ‘look at me’ kind of thing.”

One student recorded the scene, and shared the video with other kids.

A video still of the controversial moment.

Fletcher caused another buzz when she unexpectedly showed up at the school 17 months later, on March 7.

“I find this whole situation nauseating. It’s beyond a slap in the face,” a mom complained to administrators.

But principal Miriam Nightingale claimed her hands were tied. “The decision to return Amanda Fletcher to service was not made at the school level,” she said in an email. “I cannot change her assignment to our school nor bar her from the building.”

“I cannot change her assignment to our school nor bar her from the building,” said principal Miriam Nightingale. Google Maps

Nightingale added that she didn’t expect Fletcher to be near the mom’s daughter “except for incidental contact, such as passing in the hall.”

The mom was livid. “I don’t care where the woman goes, but give us a heads up. Let the kids know because they did their duty by talking to investigators. And then suddenly she’s back in their faces.” 

The mom, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her daughter’s privacy, said she called the superintendent’s and chancellor’s offices repeatedly but got a runaround, so she called a reporter.

Before returning to the school, Fletcher settled misconduct charges by agreeing to “irrevocably resign” effective July 1.

On Wednesday, a day after The Post asked about Fletcher’s return, the DOE sent Fletcher to a “district office,” a spokeswoman said. 

Before returning to the school, Fletcher settled misconduct charges by agreeing to “irrevocably resign” effective July 1, officials said.

A DOE spokeswoman would not explain why Fletcher was sent back to the school until then.
