
Adams’ migrant crisis blame: Letters to the Editor — April 21, 2023

The Issue: Mayor Adams criticizing President Biden’s lack of response to the migrants flooding New York.

Wait a minute: Mayor Adams wants to blame the federal government for the city’s budget shortfall (“WH ‘turned its back’ on us: Adams,” April 20)?

He claims that every service in the city is suffering from the humanitarian crisis that has been caused by the inaction of the president. But he has no problem claiming this is a sanctuary city — “come one, come all.”

Yet another politician talking out of both sides of his mouth and deflecting blame.

Rob Cerone


I find Adams’ request for federal dollars to offset the cost of all the illegal immigrants who have flooded the city laughable.

The mayor is the one who claimed New York City is a sanctuary city, and he is the one who extended an invitation to all the migrants.

They accepted his invitation, and now he wants someone else to pay for the party he arranged. If you offer it, they will come.

Tom Vespo


Despite the denials by Biden and his incompetent Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the border is anything but secure.

The flood of illegal migrants is draining the New York City budget, while our shelters overflow.

What is the Biden plan when polio and tuberculosis break out en masse at the already overcrowded shelters among the migrants, many of whom are unvaccinated? This situation will only get worse when Title 42 expires next month.

The mayor is asking for work authorizations for the migrants. This will only hurt American blue-collar workers in the construction and service industries by depressing wages. The Democratic Party used to be the party of the working class. What happened?

Kenneth Fitzgerald


With presidential aspirations in mind, feckless Adams suddenly sees the light about the border crisis and its effects on New York City.

Biden hasn’t just turned his back on New York, but on the entire United States of America. The situation is totally unsustainable.

Brian Sullivan

Rockaway Beach

In your April 20 paper, Adams is quoted as blasting President Biden for “turning his back on the Big Apple” and blaming him for the city’s projected $4.2 billion budget shortfall.

“Every service in this city is going to be impacted,” he says, and adds he’s considering drastic cuts to city government services.

Well, there is plenty of blame to go around, and Mayor Adams needs to be taken to task for also turning his back on New Yorkers. He has already arranged to take away the health-care plan that New York City retirees worked all their lives for, citing the budget shortfall and forcing them into an inferior Medicare Advantage plan.

The city would not be in this mess if he didn’t continue to pay “$380 per day per household” to provide all these migrants with food, shelter, schooling, health care, etc.

More than 55,000 migrants are being supported with our tax dollars, and that number rises every day. Why is the city not turning these people away, the way other states did?

Joanne Vairo

The Bronx

The Biden administration is breaking the law by not enforcing illegal entry provisions at our borders — and lying about it.

Even Mayor Adams has gotten to the point where he has forcefully criticized President Biden for the illegal immigrants in New York City, and costs associated with housing and feeding them.

Where are Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand and the other Democratic representatives from New York? They are quietly fiddling while the state and nation burns. They are ignoring the huge impact of illegal immigrants.

I have traveled to many nations across the world. They all have borders. Why aren’t we enforcing our own border laws?

If Congress wants open borders, its members should say so, not put their heads in the sand.

Paul Burgdorf


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