Sex & Relationships

How to spy on your exes’ Instagram Stories without them knowing: ‘Addicted’


dont use if you are still healing ❤️ #wanderlusqt #howtogetoverbreakup #datinggame2023 #healingprocess🥺🤧

♬ original sound – natalie louise

Ghost-mode activated.

Natalie Louise — @wanderlusqt on TikTok — revealed a hack to view exes’ Instagram stories without them knowing.

“Basically, you view it as a ghost; they’ll never know you watched it. They won’t be able to trace you.”

In the 3-minute video posted on TikTok with 1.3 million views, Louise begins with a brief disclaimer for people who are healing from a breakup.

“I honestly didn’t want to post this because I didn’t want to trigger people. So if you are healing and you’re distinctly not watching the story because you’re in a healing phase, please don’t use this tool.”

The influencer, who creates content about getting over an ex, proceeds with Step 1, recording her computer screen for the tutorial.

“You just go to ‘Instagram Stories Viewer,’ and then you’re gonna hit this one,” she points to the site.

Natalie Louise shared a secret hack to watch your former lover’s Instagram without them noticing. wanderlusqt/TikTok
The TikTok influencer advises people who are on their healing journey to stay away from this toxic hack. wanderlusqt/TikTok

Once the website is fully loaded, she mentions you can type in any Instagram name but uses her handle, @wanderlusqt, as an example.

Louise admits she has tested this method; “I’ve posted a story and then watched my story using this tool. It didn’t show up as someone watching my story. It literally showed up as 0.”

The website displays all the Instagram stories the user posted that day in a grid view.

Users can click on the individual stories, listen to the audio or download the clip, which Louise did think was “kinda weird.”

Louise mentions how several websites offer this feature, in case the website she recommends fails. wanderlusqt/TikTok
The tool allows users to view and download anyone’s Instagram stories. wanderlusqt/TikTok

The Post reached out to Louise for a comment about how she discovered this secret tool.

The TikToker did not disclose if Instagram “close friends” stories would also be revealed on the site.

But she mentions, “If you are blocked, you could still watch [anyone’s] story.” And if they muted you, it doesn’t matter.

The hack provides full access to private Instagram profiles as well.

Louise confessed, “This tool probably get you even more addicted to [a former lover] if you continuously watch their stories anonymously.”

But she encourages viewers to have self-control: “You get stronger when you distinctively choose not to watch a story. You will heal and remove him from your life much faster.”

She admitted the habit can become addicting so she advises people to be careful. wanderlusqt/TikTok

Louise’s followers shared their take on the Instagram hack; some mentioned they’ve been “using this for years.”

“Been doing this for months. Don’t do it, guys. You’ll become addicted, especially if you’re trying to go no contact 😭😭😭,” confessed one woman.

“I’m in my toxic phase before the healing stage, so I will 1000% be doing this 🫠,” commented another person.

“I don’t watch his stories just as protection for myself and my anxiety lol,” wrote one person.
