
Dad’s touching advice goes viral after talking daughter through her breakup

Getting dumped took her to new heights.

A 20-year-old’s viral TikTok describing her brutal breakup ultimately made her realize how much her father not only loves her but can relate to heartache.

Fallon Thompson, whose boyfriend broke things off in her driveway as her father watched from a distance, showed screenshots of her dad’s touching words that consoled her right after.

Scott Thompson emotionally shared musings of his own life — one-night stands, flings and how he met Fallon’s mother — in a sentimental sharing of words.

Scott and Fallon Thompson shared a special moment as the dad gave his daughter kind words to handle heartache. Instagram / Fal
Scott and Fallon bonded over their experiences with heartache. Instagram / Fal

“When someone [lets] you know that you are not for them, deal with the pain and hurt with the knowledge that this person just gave you back the most valuable thing in the world — your time,” Scott wrote in part of a lengthy thread.

“So be the bull, and lean into your storm, embrace the suck, and let it fill you up.”

The father brought comfort to his lovesick daughter. Facebook / Scott Thompson

The heartwarming sentiment became so widespread that Fallon racked up 18 million views on the app.

“After I read the first sentence, I was, like, ‘Oh, this is something that my heart needed … I think in that moment, he knew that I just needed some uplifting words,'” she told “Good Morning America.”

“So I sort of teared up a little bit and I was, like, ‘Wow, like, regardless of where my relationships may lead me in life, I know I’m always gonna have my dad and my family.

“That’s the most important thing to me.”

Scott was able to see the pain and struggle in his daughter quickly after the split and recognized it was weighing on her.

“As a dad, you just want to try to do something to help them with their pain or at least do what you can to help them have perspective on it,” he told “GMA.”

Right away, Fallon wanted to share her father’s wisdom with the world.

Fallon wanted to share her father’s wisdom with the world. TikTok / @fallonthompsxn
“As a dad, you just want to try to do something to help them with their pain or at least do what you can to help them have perspective on it,” her father told “GMA.” TikTok / @fallonthompsxn
The dad went viral for comforting advice to his daughter as she endured a breakup. TikTok / @fallonthompsxn

“I just felt that in that moment, those words touched me so deeply that I knew that other people in the world probably needed to hear that,” she said.

“It’s really cool that this helped out some other people and to me, that’s the best part about it.”
