
Mercury in retrograde is bringing the chaos this month — is your sign one of the 4 most vulnerable?

Summer bummer my babies — Mercury retrograde will continue to dominate the month of August.

Mercury, trickster planet of the mind and the mouth, tech and travel, hot gossip and sexting, began its retrograde in the fastidious, tweed-scented sign of Virgo before sliding into the lion’s den of Leo on August 14th.

In the sign of the big cat, Mercury retrograde takes on a different tone, lending a heady dose of hairspray, hot tempers, and spotlight soliloquies to this season of introspection and review.

As the brilliant astrologer Danny Santos tells The Post, “Mercury Retrograde in Leo will reveal deep truths about our sense of self and themes of worth.”

When does mercury retrograde end?

Mercury begins its retrograde in Virgo and ends it in Leo. revers_jr –

Mercury ends its retrograde on August 27th, but we’ll still feel the feels of this transit until the planet clears its post-retrograde shadow, AKA retro shade, on September 11th.

While we’re still in it, we’re all going through it, but bear in mind that any bad is the bedrock for future good.

Leo is fixed fire, and as such, Leos and fellow fixed signs Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius will be feeling the burn of this backspin more acutely than others.

Astrologer Danny Santos has words of wisdom for the fixed signs as they walk through the fire of this retrograde.

Santos, who is also an Ayahuasca Shaman and the Integrative Healer behind Santos & The Crystal Visions, is on hand to share his wisdom about what the stars hold in store for these signs.

Read for your sun, moon and rising sign.

Good luck out there.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus will feel the effects of this retrograde in their family sphere. Sergey Kamshylin –

Santos explains, “Mercury’s shift into Leo highlights your 4th house of home and family, Taurus. Expect domestic drama or unresolved family issues to surface, but know that addressing these head-on will pave the way for harmony.”

“As the nodes transition into Pisces and Virgo on January 12th, 2025, your 11th house of friendships and long-term goals will be activated, bringing significant healing and new beginnings in your social circles. Picture a phoenix rising from the ashes, renewed and ready to soar,” he said.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

This retrograde cycle lights up your 1st house of identity and self-concept, Leo. Sergey Kamshylin –

“From August 14th, Mercury moves into Leo, spotlighting your 1st house of self and identity,” Santos shared.

“Miscommunications and delays may challenge your self-expression and personal plans, but these are opportunities for refining your approach.

“This retrograde sets the stage for the healing and renewal when the nodes move into Pisces and Virgo on January 12th, 2025, activating your 8th house of shared resources and transformation.

“This cosmic shift promises deep insights and significant growth in your intimate relationships and financial partnerships, paving the way for a powerful new chapter.”

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpios hang on tight and go for blood when betrayed. Sergey Kamshylin –

“Miscommunications and delays are likely, but they serve as lessons in patience and clarity, Scorpio. As Mercury shifts into Leo, your 10th house of career and public image comes into focus. Here’s the twist: expect potential misunderstandings or delays in your professional life, but see them as opportunities for improving your career strategies,” Santos assured.

“This retrograde serves as a precursor to the healing that will occur when the nodes move into Pisces and Virgo on January 12th, 2025, activating your 5th house of creativity and romance. This cosmic shift will lead to significant advancements and clarity in your creative endeavors and love life, setting the stage for a new chapter of joy and self-expression.”

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Sergey Kamshylin –

Santos tells The Post: “Mercury’s move into Leo spotlights your 7th house of partnerships, Aquarius. Miscommunications and delays may challenge your one-on-one relationships, but these are opportunities for refining your connections.

“This retrograde sets the stage for the healing and renewal that will occur when the nodes move into Pisces and Virgo on January 12th, 2025, activating your 2nd house of personal values and finances. This cosmic shift promises deep insights and significant growth in your material stability and self-worth, paving the way for a more secure and confident future.”

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.
