
Dear Abby: My co-worker quit and now all of their responsibilities will be dumped on me

Dear Abby weighs in on a woman afraid of losing a co-worker and a mother overwhelmed raising 2 children under 5 years old.

Keep your fur baby anxiety-free this Fourth of July with thunder shirts, weighted blankets and more

Help your dog feel as comfortable as possible this Fourth of July.

Surgeon general calls for tobacco-style warning on social media platforms

“Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms, and the average daily use in this age group, as of...

Do you have ‘relationship OCD’? How to see the signs and how to treat it

In a world where you can filter future flings based on a set of characteristics, is it any wonder that we get profoundly preoccupied with finding the perfect partner? Learn...

Going with the 'flow' could lead to longer life and better heart health

Get into your groove — your life may depend on it.

Dear Abby: My great-aunt is convincing the family to boycott my wedding because of past drama

Dear Abby advises a bride-to-be about a sticky family situation and someone anxious about their behavior at social events.

Teen girls' stunning smartphone usage revealed in new study: 'Serious'

This news is nothing to cell-ebrate.

Survey reveals simple step most Americans should take to improve their mental health

According to the research, the biggest stressors of daily American life are finances (52%), current events (37%), health (37%) and relationships (29%).

Sitting still is hard, but experts say the benefits of meditation are worth the struggle

The first time Marcelle Hutchins sat down to meditate, she put on a guided session, relaxed her shoulders and tried to close her eyes. She lasted two minutes.

Never send this text to someone with anxiety

Those three little words can trigger an onslaught of worried thoughts.

How parental burnout can harm children — and 8 ways to build a better bond

57% of parents reported burnout in an online survey of 722 caregivers that Ohio State University conducted last summer.

This is a free and easy way to beat stress, experts say

You may want to give this breezy way to fight stress a try.

5 tips to try if you're super stressed out at work

There's one essential question to ask yourself.

Influencer shares 'ultimate wellness hack' you should do every night

Try this tonight for a better morning tomorrow.

Dear Abby: I want to cut off my controlling sister for hurting my mental health

Dear Abby weighs in on a bossy sister hurting her sibling's mental health and a woman who is looking to explain death to a five-year-old.

I'm a sex therapist — here are 6 signs that you're bad in bed

Let's talk about sex, baby — and why you suck at it.

Boeing passengers turn to medication, prayer, therapy to deal with fears after litany of flight problems

Door plug blowing off Boeing 737 Max 9 in January increased scrutiny over air safety.
