Coronavirus in NY

Don't wait until next year: Restore New York's mask ban NOW!

“We will not tolerate individuals using masks to be responsible for criminal or threatening behavior,” Hochul huffed this month.

Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo has no shame and more: Letters to the Editor — June 23, 2024

NY Post readers discuss Cuomo's new public persona, Juneteenth and more.

Years after the end of COVID, NYC remains trapped in 'Long Lockdown'

The virus and quarantine may be over, but the effects are still hurting the city's recovery.

Andrew Cuomo is still fibbing about his deadly COVID nursing-home order

Four years after ordering COVID-positive patients into New York nursing homes, Andrew Cuomo's excuses for that fateful mistake have gotten older but no better.

Cuomo gives Congress his COVID lies, but NY knows the truth

Former New York governor Andrew Cuomo finally arrived in Washington, DC, on Tuesday to answer for his pandemic actions before the subcommittee tasked with investigating the COVID-19 response.

Here are the questions ex- NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo could face at hands of House COVID-19 panel

The House panel investigating America's response COVID-19 pandemic has recently met or consulted with relatives of New York nursing home residents killed by the virus.

NYC tourism still lags pre-COVID era amid crime concerns: report

Big Apple tourism is on the upswing, but still lags behind pre-pandemic levels amid concerns about crime, according to a report released Thursday by state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli.

No, left-leaning bully Andrew Cuomo hasn't suddenly changed his spots

Just what is former Gov. Andrew Cuomo up to these days? It sure seems like he’s gearing up for another run —   but under which political party?

Disgraced ex-NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo agrees to testify before House COVID-19 panel

Nearly two years later, New York’s comptroller found that Cuomo had “misled the public” in undercounting such deaths by more than 50%.

Carl Heastie wants proof of how penalties curb crime? Here you go

Carl Heastie says he wants an example of how penalties curb crime, but they're numerous. His real reason for opposing consequences for criminals is that he aims to pander to...

Don’t betray NY workers who braved pandemic

The state faced a crisis four years ago as the COVID pandemic wreaked havoc.

Farmers fight back, don’t give up on Ukraine and other commentary

“Europe’s farmers are rising up” from France to Germany to Poland to the Netherlands, and “the elites are terrified,” cheers Spiked’s Fraser Myers.

Joe’s perverse energy ask, the EPA’s electric-car fantasy and other commentary

The EPA itself admits its new CO2 standards will require electric vehicles to be more than half of new vehicle sales by 2032, note Jonathan A. Lesser & Mark P....

Comeback kid Andrew Cuomo needs to show real contrition for his many, many sins

Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo appears to be seeking a political comeback, yet to pull that off, he'll need to show real contrition for his many sins while in office —...

Program for at-risk NYC students imperiled by loss of federal stimulus funds as city spends on migrants

A  program that serves thousands youths at risk of dropping out could be on the chopping block as federal emergency COVID funding keeping it afloat expires at the end of June,...

House COVID-19 panel requests testimony from 4 former Cuomo admin officials

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has asked four former members of disgraced New York ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration to testify on “must admit” orders issued to nursing...

New York state won't regain all jobs lost from COVID pandemic until at least 2026, analysis shows

The Empire State is not expected to recover all the jobs lost from the COVID pandemic until at least late 2026, according to a new analysis.

Yikes: Those idiotic mask mandates are back in NYC hospitals

Masks are once more required at all 11 city-run hospitals, a precaution as cases of COVID, flu and RSV tick upward.

House to probe potential coronavirus 'lies' by ex-Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa

DeRosa has long been subject of ire from critics who broadly blame her and Cuomo for mismanagement during the darkest days of the pandemic.

Andrew Cuomo for mayor? Say it ain't so, New York!

Andrew Cuomo has edged ahead of Eric Adams in a notional mayoral matchup. Here are all the reasons why Cuomo would be TERRIBLE.
