Civilians breathe. Clintons fundraise. It’s in their DNA. She’s scheduled nine in three days. The Hamptons hills are alive with political functions, but Nantucket’s bucket’s also filling up. So’s another oceanfront cash register Martha’s Vineyard.
On the 20th Hillary’s piggy bank gets a do at the de Rothschilds. As in Sir and Lady de Rothschild. As in Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild and his good-looking blond Ladyship wife, New Jersey’s Lynn Forester, whose previous second husband Andy Stein once tried for NYC mayor. This de Rothschild event’s eclectic, magnanimous, open to all — at $100,000 per.
And Aug. 30, like he needed more marquee names to attract anyone, Jimmy Buffett’s fundraiser for Mrs. Clinton added his Coral Reefer Band plus Jon Bon Jovi to his VIP list. Plus aides to collect your $25,000 for “preferred” seating, or $100,000, which grabs fried chicken dinner, “premium” seating, private reception, dancing and the ability to sprinkle in an additional campaign contribution.
Fashion’s the pits
Hemlines are rising, but fashion biz is falling. Designers, stopping; manufacturers, shutting; stores closing; discounts continuing. It’s endemic to the industry. Once bustling Mad Ave.? Where bored salesladies wouldn’t hang up phones to wait on you and where English was the only language not spoken? From 60th to 80th, storefronts are dark.
Forget that the Internet keeps shoppers away. Investigation reveals a surplus of reasons. Prices too high, merchandise too cheesy, no jobs so no income so no money so no buying. Also, check modern styles. Bras showing in public, dungarees, untucked T-shirts, females in shorts on NYC streets? Unless it’s a loaner dress on a red carpet, nobody wears clothes anymore.
O’Reilly’s newie is a must
Bill O’Reilly. Surely you’ve heard the name. And be it said Fox News’ hotshot hasn’t written a book since July. So now, next month, another one. He says the money his best sellers earn he gives to Charity. Her last name, I don’t know.
This thrilling chilling killing read’s mesmerizing. Gut-wrenching. I couldn’t put it down and devoured it cover-to-cover one weekend. Title: “Killing the Rising Sun: How America Vanquished World War II Japan.”
Second-by-second, inch-by-inch, death-by-death reportage on Hiroshima and the atom bomb will put you in bed. Chapters on the enemy torturing our men will keep you in that bed. Portions so grisly that the eyes of Victorian-type delicate ladies such as myself might glaze over.
Every American must read this book. Nazis, Japanese, ISIS . . . we’re the United States of America. Land of the free, home of the brave. We always will win.
It’s out Sept. 13.
And, action!
Tyler Perry sends word he’s coming out with Oct. 21’s movie “Boo! A Madea Halloween” guaranteeing “hilarious haunted mayhem with killers, ghouls, ghosts, paranormals, poltergeists and zombies” . . .
In Toronto, Guillermo del Toro just began filming Fox Searchlight’s “The Shape of Water” with Oscar nominees Sally Hawkins, Michael Shannon, Richard Jenkins and Oscar winner Octavia Spencer. Called “a unique story brought to life” by this Oscar-nominated director’s “wildly original one-of-a-kind mind.”
Said in a city that knows what it’s talking about:
“Drug testing’s so common at Rio’s Olympics that organizers may make urine-sampling a sanctioned event.”
Only said in New York, kids, only in New York.