Three-Dimensional Variational Analysis with Spatially Inhomogeneous Covariances
@article{Wu2002ThreeDimensionalVA, title={Three-Dimensional Variational Analysis with Spatially Inhomogeneous Covariances}, author={Wan Wu and Robert James Purser and David F. Parrish}, journal={Monthly Weather Review}, year={2002}, volume={130}, pages={2905-2916}, url={} }
In this study, a global three-dimensional variational analysis system is formulated in model grid space. This formulation allows greater flexibility (e.g., inhomogeneity and anisotropy) for background error statistics. A simpler formulation, inhomogeneous only in the latitude direction, was chosen for these initial tests. The background error statistics are defined as functions of the latitudinal grid and are estimated with the National Meteorological Center (NMC) method. The horizontal scales…
653 Citations
Selection of Momentum Variables for a Three-Dimensional Variational Analysis
- 2011
Environmental Science, Physics
Three choices of control variables for meteorological variational analysis (3DVAR or 4DVAR) are associated with horizontal wind: (1) streamfunction and velocity potential, (2) eastward and northward…
Application of the Sequential Three-Dimensional Variational Method to Assimilating SST in a Global Ocean Model
- 2006
Environmental Science, Physics
Abstract A recursive filter or parameterized curve fitting technique is usually used in a three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) scheme to approximate the background error…
Introducing Climatological Flow-Dependence in the WRFVAR Background Error Model For Variational Data Assimilation. Application to Antarctica
- 2009
Environmental Science, Physics
The structure of the analysis increments in a variational da ta assimilation scheme is strongly driven by the formulation of the background error covariance matri x, especially in data-sparse areas…
A Three-Dimensional Variational Data Analysis Method with Recursive Filter for Doppler Radars
- 2004
Engineering, Environmental Science
Abstract In this paper, a new method of dual-Doppler radar wind analysis based on a three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) approach is proposed. In it, a cost function, including…
Accounting for Flow-dependence in the Background Error Variance within the JMA Global Four-dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System
- 2008
Environmental Science, Engineering
The background error variance is modified within the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) global four-dimensional variational (4D-Var) data assimilation system; the impact is investigated. In the…
Representation of correlation functions in variational assimilation using an implicit diffusion operator
- 2010
Physics, Environmental Science
Correlation models are required in data assimilation to characterize the error structures of variables defined on a numerical grid. Previous studies have shown that the diffusion equation can provide…
Inhomogeneous Background Error Modeling and Estimation over Antarctica
- 2010
Environmental Science
Abstract The structure of the analysis increments in a variational data assimilation scheme is strongly driven by the formulation of the background error covariance matrix, especially in data-sparse…
Background-error correlation model based on the implicit solution of a diffusion equation
- 2010
Environmental Science
A Three-Dimensional Variational Radar Data Assimilation Scheme Developed for Convective Scale NWP
- 2017
Environmental Science, Engineering
A three-dimensional variational data assimilation scheme (3DVAR) has been developed for Convective scale NWP. In the scheme, a cost function is defined by a background term, an observation term, and…
Numerical Aspects of the Application of Recursive Filters to Variational Statistical Analysis. Part I: Spatially Homogeneous and Isotropic Gaussian Covariances
Mathematics, Computer Science
The construction and application of efficient numerical recursive filters for the task of convolving a spatial distribution of ‘‘forcing’’ terms with a quasi-Gaussian self-adjoint smoothing kernel in…
18 References
Correlation modelling on the sphere using a generalized diffusion equation
- 2001
Mathematics, Environmental Science
An important element of a data assimilation system is the statistical model used for representing the correlations of background error. This paper describes a practical algorithm that can be used to…
A Coordinate Change for Data Assimilation in Spherical Geometry of Frontal Structures
- 1997
Environmental Science, Physics
In this note, it is discussed how a coordinate transformation based on semigeostrophic theory can be introduced in a global data assimilation scheme in order to improve the analysis of frontal…
The ECMWF implementation of three‐dimensional variational assimilation (3D‐Var). I: Formulation
- 1998
Environmental Science, Physics
In the first of this set of three papers, the formulation of the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) implementation of 3D‐Var is described. In the second, the specification of…
Numerical Aspects of the Application of Recursive Filters to Variational Statistical Analysis. Part II: Spatially Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic General Covariances
- 2003
Abstract In this second part of a two-part study of recursive filter techniques applied to the synthesis of covariances in a variational analysis, methods by which non-Gaussian shapes and spatial…
The ECMWF implementation of three‐dimensional variational assimilation (3D‐Var). II: Structure functions
- 1998
Environmental Science, Physics
Structure functions for the 3D‐Var assimilation scheme of the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts are evaluated from statistics of the differences between two forecasts valid at the…
A direct way of specifying flow‐dependent background error correlations for meteorological analysis systems
- 1998
Environmental Science
Identifying a viable strategy for specifying the background error covariance remains an importantproblem in meteorological data assimilation. From a formal point of view the number ofindependent…
The ECMWF implementation of three‐dimensional variational assimilation (3D‐Var). III: Experimental results
- 1998
Environmental Science, Physics
In this third and final paper of a series, we assess the performance of the three‐dimensional variational data assimilation scheme, in the light of the results from the extensive pre‐operational…
On the choice of variable for atmospheric moisture analysis
Environmental Science, Physics
The implications of using different control variables for the analysis of moisture observations in a global atmospheric data assimilation system are investigated. A moisture analysis based on either…
The National Meteorological Center's spectral-statistical interpolation analysis system
- 1992
Environmental Science
Results from several months of parallel testing with the NMC spectral model have been very encouraging, and favorable features include smoother analysis increments, greatly reduced changes from initialization, and significant improvement of 1-5-day forecasts.
Vectorization of conjugate-gradient methods for large-scale minimization in meteorology
- 1988
Physics, Geology
It is concluded that vector computers are advantageous for largescale numerical optimization problems where local minima of nonlinear functions are to be found using the nonlinear conjugate-gradient method.