Climate-Driven Increases in Global Terrestrial Net Primary Production from 1982 to 1999

  title={Climate-Driven Increases in Global Terrestrial Net Primary Production from 1982 to 1999},
  author={Ramakrishna R. Nemani and Charles D. Keeling and Hirofumi Hashimoto and William M. Jolly and Stephen C Piper and Compton J. Tucker and Ranga B. Myneni and Steven W. Running},
  pages={1560 - 1563},
It is indicated that global changes in climate have eased several critical climatic constraints to plant growth, such that net primary production increased 6% (3.4 petagrams of carbon over 18 years) globally.

Europe-wide reduction in primary productivity caused by the heat and drought in 2003

An increase in future drought events could turn temperate ecosystems into carbon sources, contributing to positive carbon-climate feedbacks already anticipated in the tropics and at high latitudes.


Terrestrial ecosystem is highly sensitive to the global climate change especially the changes in temperature and precipitation which are the dominant factors controlling plant growth. African

Changes in vegetation net primary productivity from 1982 to 1999 in China

Terrestrial net primary production (NPP) has been a central focus of ecosystem science in the past several decades because of its importance to the terrestrial carbon cycle and ecosystem processes.

Recent Climate-Driven Increases in Vegetation Productivity for the Western Arctic: Evidence of an Acceleration of the Northern Terrestrial Carbon Cycle

Abstract Northern ecosystems contain much of the global reservoir of terrestrial carbon that is potentially reactive in the context of near-term climate change. Annual variability and recent trends

Drought-Induced Reduction in Global Terrestrial Net Primary Production from 2000 Through 2009

Satellite data used to estimate global terrestrial NPP over the past decade found that the earlier trend has been reversed and that NPP has been decreasing, and combined with climate change data suggests that large-scale droughts are responsible for the decline.

Dynamic changes in terrestrial net primary production and their effects on evapotranspiration

Abstract. The dramatic increase of global temperature since the year 2000 has a considerable impact on the global water cycle and vegetation dynamics. Little has been done about recent feedback of

Contrasting responses of terrestrial ecosystem production to hot temperature extreme regimes between grassland and forest

Abstract. During the past several decades, observational data have shown a faster increase in hot temperature extremes than the change in mean temperature. Increasingly high extreme temperatures are

Terrestrial carbon dynamics of Southern United States in response to changes in climate, atmosphere, and land-use/land cover from 1895 to 2005

An integrated land ecosystem model was used to estimate carbon (C) storage and to analyze the impacts of environmental changes on C dynamics from 1971 to 2001 in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Constraints to Vegetation Growth Reduced by Region-Specific Changes in Seasonal Climate

We qualitatively and quantitatively assessed the factors related to vegetation growth using Earth system models and corroborated the results with historical climate observations. The Earth system

Sensitivity of primary production to precipitation across the United States.

For the first time, an empirically-derived map of ecosystem sensitivity to climate across the conterminous United States is produced, showing that annual primary production values were most sensitive to precipitation and aridity in dryland and grassland ecosystems.

Climatic Control of the High-Latitude Vegetation Greening Trend and Pinatubo Effect

A biogeochemical model of vegetation using observed climate data predicts the high northern latitude greening trend over the past two decades observed by satellites and a marked setback in this trend

Increased plant growth in the northern high latitudes from 1981 to 1991

Variations in the amplitude and timing of the seasonal cycle of atmospheric CO2 have shown an association with surface air temperature consistent with the hypothesis that warmer temperatures have

Contrasting Climatic Controls on the Estimated Productivity of Global Terrestrial Biomes

ABSTRACT Net primary productivity (NPP) represents the greatest annual carbon flux from the atmosphere to the biosphere, is an important component of seasonal fluctuations in atmospheric CO2

Cloud cover limits net CO2 uptake and growth of a rainforest tree during tropical rainy seasons

Light, rather than water, temperature, or leaf nitrogen, was the primary factor limiting CO2 uptake during the rainy season, and photosynthesis, vegetative growth, and reproduction increased significantly.

Changes in the carbon balance of tropical forests: evidence from long-term plots

Long-term monitoring of plots in mature humid tropical forests concentrated in South America revealed that biomass gain by tree growth exceeded losses from tree death in 38 of 50 Neotropical sites, suggesting that Neotropic forests may be a significant carbon sink.

Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Terrestrial Carbon Storage Due to Deposition of Fossil Fuel Nitrogen

A modeled estimate of terrestrial carbon storage arising from deposition of nitrogen derived from fossil fuels that accounts for spatial distributions in deposition and vegetation types, turnover of plant and soil carbon pools, and the cumulative effects of deposition is described.

The U.S. Carbon budget: contributions from land-Use change

The rates at which lands in the United States were cleared for agriculture, abandoned, harvested for wood, and burned were reconstructed from historical data for the period 1700-1990 and used in a

Evidence for Large Decadal Variability in the Tropical Mean Radiative Energy Budget

New evidence is presented that the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) tropical radiative energy budget is much more dynamic and variable than previously thought and the results indicate that the radiation budget changes are caused by changes in tropical mean cloudiness.

Response of a Deciduous Forest to the Mount Pinatubo Eruption: Enhanced Photosynthesis

It is found that the aerosol-induced increase in diffuse radiation by the volcano enhanced the terrestrial carbon sink and contributed to the temporary decline in the growth rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide after the eruption.

Climate change 2001 : the scientific basis

Summary for policymakers Technical summary 1. The climate system - an overview 2. Observed climate variability and change 3. The carbon cycle and atmospheric CO2 4. Atmospheric chemistry and