On the separation of air flow over water waves

  title={On the separation of air flow over water waves},
  author={Michael L. Banner and W. Kendall Melville},
  journal={Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
  pages={825 - 842},
Conditions leading to the onset of air-flow separation over a mobile air-water interface are discussed. It is argued that, in a frame of reference in which the interfacial boundary assumes a steady shape, the occurrence of separation requires a stagnation point on the interface. In the case of air blowing over water waves, this corresponds to the onset of wave breaking. These arguments are strongly supported by flow visualization and pressure measurements carried out in a laboratory wind-wave… 

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Structure of air flow separation over wind wave crests

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    Environmental Science, Physics
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    Environmental Science, Physics
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A criterion for determining air-flow separation from wind waves

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    Environmental Science, Physics
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