This half hour children's show was about a young girl named Susan and her pet terrier Rusty. Each show they would travel to a magical place called "Wonderville". By saying out loud; "I wish there were a place to play, I wish I could fly ...See moreThis half hour children's show was about a young girl named Susan and her pet terrier Rusty. Each show they would travel to a magical place called "Wonderville". By saying out loud; "I wish there were a place to play, I wish I could fly away!" Susan and Rusty, while sitting in a (magical) chair, were whisked into the air and land in Wonderville. There Susan would meet imaginative creatures such as Mr. Pegesus, a walking talking sometimes flying table (voiced by John Coughlin), a talking stove, Caesar P. Penguin, or the Foolish Forest Orchestra. Song and stories were a regular feature. Later episodes featured the "Cartoon-a-Machine", that would show either a Popeye (Fleischer) or Terrytoon cartoon during the program. New adventures always awaited Susan. Weather visiting a circus, a trip to a castle, or a walk through the woods, she would always return home the same way her journey began. She would say; "Take me home flying friend, take me home!". Then Susan and Rusty would float back to her home, in the chair, right back to where they started, in her kitchen. Written by
Kenneth Kwilinski
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