Y.O.L.O. is a serialized web series/ short film that takes place in Los Angeles, CA and follows the life of Aray Simmons as he evolves from mundane office worker to Hip-Hop icon. After the death of his father, Aray Simmons finds himself on...See moreY.O.L.O. is a serialized web series/ short film that takes place in Los Angeles, CA and follows the life of Aray Simmons as he evolves from mundane office worker to Hip-Hop icon. After the death of his father, Aray Simmons finds himself on the verge of a midlife crisis and begins to regret giving up on his childhood dreams of being a Hip-Hop artist. Burdened by the boss's son, Bran Linwood Jr and Aray's struggles to conceive a child with his wife, Kehlani, his deferred dream grows smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror of life. It's not until his young coworker, Robyn, presents him with a life-changing opportunity that Aray decides to break the status quo and live out his dream.
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