The film begins with Aravind (Kathir) waiting for someone and then starting to remember his love life. Five years ago, the karateka Aravind, who hailed from Chennai, arrived in the village Valliyur to train karate under the guidance of the...See moreThe film begins with Aravind (Kathir) waiting for someone and then starting to remember his love life. Five years ago, the karateka Aravind, who hailed from Chennai, arrived in the village Valliyur to train karate under the guidance of the master Devaram (Rajeev). Devaram wanted his students to focus only on training, but Aravind's friend Ravi (Sundar) spent his time romancing with Thamarai's (Dhanya Mary Varghese) friend Poongavanam (Marina), and Devaram requested his students to not bring him a bad among the villagers. Ravi then turned against Devaram and started to practice Silambam with Devaram's archenemy Ponmaran (Ponmaran). In the meantime, Aravind and the village belle Thamarai fell in love with each other. Thereafter, Aravind left for Chennai. Before leaving, he promised Thamarai that he will come back to marry her. The local don Mani (Gunasekhar), Thamarai's relative, who was in love with Thamarai, wanted to marry her at any cost. The days passed, and Aravind did not return from Chennai. Thamarai's family then made marriage arrangements for her. Thamarai began to feel worried, and she fell sick both mentally and physically. When Aravind returned to Valliyur, he saw Thamarai in the hospital and challenged Mani to marry Thamarai. Thamarai then told Aravind that she will marry Mani, and she begged him to become a karate champion. During a fight between Aravind and Mani, Thamarai intervened to save Aravind and accidentally killed Mani. Back to the present, Thamarai is released from jail and returns to her village. Ravi and Poongavanam are now a happily married couple. The film ends with the reunion of the love.
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