Remus is a comedic piece that explores the subject of dysfunctional family relationships. The story of Remus is about how starting a new life with a partner forces us to confront our past. Letting a loved one see where we come from and who...See moreRemus is a comedic piece that explores the subject of dysfunctional family relationships. The story of Remus is about how starting a new life with a partner forces us to confront our past. Letting a loved one see where we come from and who we really are, rather than an idealized version of ourselves, can be extremely difficult. After all, where we come from is an undeniable part of who we are, whether we choose to fight it or to accept it. So what happens when we are forced to confront our past? Do we finally realize that however hard we try to forget our origins, we cannot ignore that part of ourselves? Written by
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