Claire (Meredith Zahn) is coming of age, preparing for life after graduation and her future away from her father, Greg's (John Newkrik) abuse. Claire, along with her sister Olivia (Rachel Scott) and her mother Victoria (Carrie-Ellen Zappa)...See moreClaire (Meredith Zahn) is coming of age, preparing for life after graduation and her future away from her father, Greg's (John Newkrik) abuse. Claire, along with her sister Olivia (Rachel Scott) and her mother Victoria (Carrie-Ellen Zappa) struggle to live normal lives while under the abusive control of Greg. The three girls are close as can be, but Greg is slowly ripping them apart. Claire is forced to make the most difficult decision of her life: escape, leaving her mother and sister behind in hopes that they too will follow suit or remain in her families home and watch herself succumb to the pain inflicted on the three of them. "Through a Child's Eyes" is a story of love, survival, abuse and escape. This moving drama has touched the hearts of many and serves as a beacon of hope to those who have suffered abuse. Written by
Ashlee Rose Scott
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