WORDS follows an eclectic group of sixteen American teenagers, ages 15-22, as they travel from New Mexico to northern India. They are participants of the Sustainable Global Leadership Alliance. It is a challenging experience, traveling in ...See moreWORDS follows an eclectic group of sixteen American teenagers, ages 15-22, as they travel from New Mexico to northern India. They are participants of the Sustainable Global Leadership Alliance. It is a challenging experience, traveling in a third-world country while dealing with the demanding curriculum and the group dynamics. Myra, the program leader, traveled to India at fourteen and now returns each summer, enabling others to share her profound early experience. Seventeen-year old Neesha grapples with the filth and poverty of India's surroundings. Adopted from Calcutta at birth , she has returned to her native country for the first time. She realizes, '...this could have been me...'. The young seekers navigate both a new world and their encounters with each other- far from home. Written by
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