Little Hands of Stone follows the remarkable life and career of Michael Carbajal, a Mexican-American boxer from the heart of Phoenix, Arizona, who rose from humble beginnings to become one of the most celebrated fighters of his time. Known...See moreLittle Hands of Stone follows the remarkable life and career of Michael Carbajal, a Mexican-American boxer from the heart of Phoenix, Arizona, who rose from humble beginnings to become one of the most celebrated fighters of his time. Known for his powerful punches and unbreakable spirit, Carbajal's relentless drive and dedication in the ring earned him the nickname "Little Hands of Stone," in homage to his idol, Roberto Durán. The documentary captures Carbajal's journey from a gritty neighborhood gym to the heights of international fame, exploring the struggles and triumphs that shaped his path. Viewers witness his ascension through the boxing ranks, culminating in his 1993 victory against Humberto "Chiquita" Gonzalez, a historic fight that united fans and shattered stereotypes about lower-weight divisions. Through archival footage, interviews, and intimate storytelling, Little Hands of Stone reveals the fierce loyalty Carbajal holds for his family and community, even as he faces personal tragedies and confronts the toll of fame and the darker side of the boxing world.
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