Prunes, prunes, delicious prunes, you are known on all boarding house tables in the wide world, but never before have you been known to be the cause of breaking up a happy home. Just because one of the boarders got two more prunes than ...See morePrunes, prunes, delicious prunes, you are known on all boarding house tables in the wide world, but never before have you been known to be the cause of breaking up a happy home. Just because one of the boarders got two more prunes than himself, Nutt thinks his wife, keeper of the house, is flirting with the roomer, and determines to track her and make sure. Nutt's wife has never seen his handsome face, which is shrouded in shrubbery, so he decides to remove the ambush and expose his visage to the ravages of the merciless winds, in order to further his end. He tells wifie that he is going to another town on business, but really goes to the barber instead. Sans whiskers, he returns to the house, where, unfortunately for his scheme, wifie recognizes him immediately, and determines to turn the tables on him. She starts a flirtation with him, and poor Nutt does not know whether to be happy that his manly beauty has attracted her, or sad that his wife is unfaithful. Then, the star boarder, an actor, is "tipped off" by Mrs. Nutt and decides to help her out. Dressed in a pair of whiskers such as formerly adorned Nutt's countenance, he enters, accuses the real Kernel of flirting with his wife, and kicks him out of the house. Nutt's protests are of no avail, and he must now stay out of the house until he can regain his lost facial adornment. Written by
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