Midnight Run is a realistic thriller directed by Remya Raj that takes place over the span of one single night. It revolves around a young boy who escapes from a scrap yard on a festive night and reaches a road. To achieve his goal, he is ...See moreMidnight Run is a realistic thriller directed by Remya Raj that takes place over the span of one single night. It revolves around a young boy who escapes from a scrap yard on a festive night and reaches a road. To achieve his goal, he is compelled to hitch a ride with a trucker who seems to be headed in the same direction as him. Despite his attempts to strike a friendship with the driver, he fails, and his questions create an uncomfortable ambiance in the truck.. Slowly, a frightening danger starts to loom over the boy and there seems to be no escape possible. Midnight Run tries to realistically portray fear's ability to trigger a complete transformation in people.
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