Anna, a young Russian music teacher, lives a simple but settled life with her son Daniel in an apartment block in Tel Aviv. Suddenly, after a five-year absence, her husband Misha turns up at their doorstep. Armed with a Polaroid camera and...See moreAnna, a young Russian music teacher, lives a simple but settled life with her son Daniel in an apartment block in Tel Aviv. Suddenly, after a five-year absence, her husband Misha turns up at their doorstep. Armed with a Polaroid camera and full of big expectations, Misha is shocked to find that the encounter is not quite what he'd been hoping for. Daniel doesn't even recognise him as his father, and Anna tells him to find a seaside hotel as he cannot stay with them. Surprised but undeterred, Misha uses all his charms and tricks in order to become part of his family again.
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