Model simulations of the climatic patterns during the deglaciation of North America

JE Kutzbach - 1987 -
Atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) can be used to simulate climatic patterns—
past, present, or future—provided that certain boundary and atmospheric conditions are
specified. Examples of relevant boundary conditions are the solar radiation at the top of the
atmosphere, composition of the atmosphere, height of the lower boundary (land, mountains,
ice sheets), and characteristics of the lower boundary (albedo, roughness, sea-ice location,
ocean temperature). Given this information, AGCMs simulate many (but not all) features of …

North America's electricity infrastructure: Are we ready for more perfect storms?

M Amin - IEEE Security & Privacy, 2003 -
With the tragic events of 9/11 permanently etched in our minds, the massive 14 August
power outage evoked eerie reminders of what shook our world 2 years ago. While
preliminary reports indicate that there was no apparent evidence of terrorism, the cascading
blackouts were a sudden illumination of our electricity infrastructure's vulnerable condition.
This infrastructure affects us all-are we prepared for future storms?.

[書籍][B] north America

A Trollope - 1862 -
THE objection urged of old time against novels, that they give false views of life, does not
apply to Mr. Trollope's books. They are characterized by a fidelity to Nature, and a skill in
seizing and transferring her salient points, which make them strike home to the
consciousness of his reader, and commend themselves to his judgment. Without much
sentiment, or ideality, or poetry, there is a healthy common sense which goes straight to the
mark. Mr. Trollope's characters are drawn with an outline firm, bold, strong. His side-thrusts …

North American deserts: their floral and faunal components.

JA MacMahon - 1979 -
The four generally recognised North American deserts, the Great Basin, Mohave, Sonoran,
and the Chihuahuan, are defined areally, and the physiography, climate, and soils of these
deserts are briefly discussed. Detailed sections cover both vegetation and fauna of the
deserts. Each covers general composition, subdivisions of flora or fauna, origins, and
biology, particularly as related to the distribution of species. The history of man in the North
American deserts is briefly summarized.

[引言][C] North America: The historical geography of a changing continent

RD Mitchell, PA Groves - (No Title), 1987 -
North America : the historical geography of a changing continent | CiNii Research CiNii 国立
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