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How to debug and handle MIDDLEWARE_INVOCATION_FAILED error on vercel

I built an next.js project which runs locally without an problem. After deploying it to vercel I'm not able to use the login, which is based on firebase auth. In the browser console i just receive the ...
Julius's user avatar
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Flutter: how to configure Firebase AppCheck for development environment

I am trying to implement firebase functions into my Flutter app and I have issues with AppCheck. Without appcheck, when trying to call a function from Flutter, it fails, saying that appcheck is not ...
Orl13's user avatar
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Does FirebaseAuth require DynamicLinks to be anabled?

Problem I'm integrating Firebase Authentication to a iOS project and struggling with "Email Link Authentication". Following the guideline I set up everything in Console and run this code to ...
kelin's user avatar
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@capacitor-firestore/firebase plugin - ArrayUnion - how to add entry to an existing array

I'm using this plugin for my ReactJS + Capacitor project: However, I don't see any equivalent of arrayUnion in their ...
u4ii4y984484y203r's user avatar
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Next.js App: Dynamic Metadata Changes Not Reflecting After Deployment

I have a Next.js application deployed to Firebase. The app fetches metadata (title and description) from a Firestore database using generateMetadata in the root layout. Here's the relevant code: ...
DN Vishnu's user avatar
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App Entry Not Found Error After Installing Firebase with Yarn in React Native [closed]

I am facing an issue in my React Native + expo app after trying to install Firebase using Yarn. After running the yarn add firebase command, my app stopped working, and I now see the following error ...
かAngelftn_'s user avatar
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Issue with Email Verification Status in Firebase 2FA Implementation

I am implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) with email in Firebase using Next.js. Initially, when a user signs in with a new email, the emailVerified field is false, which correctly triggers the ...
Anshu Sharma's user avatar
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Can't read in Realtime Database

I'm using Realtime Database to read and write some data in Firebase. The code for writing works perfectly and so does the authentication step, but when trying to read it skips the code. I obviously ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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How to set expiration dates

Is there a way to make a method or if there is a package to count days or set an expiration date? What i am trying to do is when an user finish registration and saves his data on firebase the app ...
Anthony Von Der Kreuz's user avatar
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On the "Credentials" page -> "CREATE CREDENTIALS" -> "OAuth client ID" , I don't see "Chrome App" in Application Type [closed]

I am trying to setup up Google Cloud Console project and OAuth credentials specifically for a Chrome Extension using Firebase. On the "Credentials" page -> "CREATE CREDENTIALS" -...
Balakrishnan Devarajan's user avatar
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How to add seed data using graphQL mutations in Firebase Data Connect

I have a self-referencing schema: type Category @table(name: "Categories", singular: "category", plural: "categories", key: ["id"]) { id: UUID! @default(expr: ...
Jim Shelly's user avatar
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How to use `external_account` credentials with the Firebase Admin Node.js SDK?

I'm trying to authenticate the Firebase admin SDK in Node.js using Workload Identity Federation credentials with AWS. Here's the relevant part of my configuration: { "type": "...
Brummbaer's user avatar
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Failed to connect Firebase services after exiting Firebase Emulators

I've follow the instructions on Firebase Emulators Suite's doc from The Firebase Emulators works, e.g. Auth and Firestore. But ...
Kevin Shie's user avatar
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How to keep token active to use google firebase notification push

How can we keep a Google Firebase push token alive? According to the Google documentation, the token expires in 30 days if the user uninstalls the app or loses their smartphone. However, we need the ...
Bruno Souza's user avatar
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auth not working as expected when provided with initializeServerApp

I'm following Firebase + NextJS guide. Looking a this code, // enforces that this code can only be ...
Hyunwoo Lim's user avatar

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