Pulse is the free dedicated Booking.com partner app for mobile devices. Linked to your Booking.com extranet account, Pulse has been created to make it easier to manage your property and bookings from anywhere.
Quickly reply to guest messages and requests. Communicate before, during, and after their stay.
Reply in seconds
Setup auto-replies to common questions
Templates translated into 43 languages
Know about new bookings, reviews, guest requests, sold out dates, and more - with real-time updates.
Never miss a booking
Instant notifications
Track performance and more
Sold out of open rooms? Or have a last-minute booking? Easily update your room availability on the go.
Manage room availability
Reservation management
Check & reply to guest reviews
Sold out of open rooms? Or have a last-minute booking? Easily update your room availability anytime.
Boost efficiency by using Pulse to view invoices and manage availability from anywhere.
Our translated templates help you communicate with your guests more efficiently.