Bristol Mayor, Marvin Rees, has released a list of his top 100 achievements since taking office.
From new homes to chess tournaments and traffic improvements to contactless bus payments, the Labour mayor has had a busy 17 months.
The list is doubtlessly pitched as a reminder to people Mr Rees is still making achievements and hitting his election promises despite the council's £106 million deficit and rolling programme of cuts.
The publication comes just hours before the 45-year-old takes on his second 'State of the City' address at the Wills Memorial Building in Queens Road on Wednesday, October 18.
The annual speech is an opportunity for Mr Rees to present his long-term vision for Bristol and reflect on his first 17 months in office.
The mayor's last speech focused on the idea of a 'city for all', housing, transport and equal opportunities for children. This year he is expected to discuss how he is developing these aims.
Mr Rees said: "Despite the huge challenges, we are delivering – and these achievements demonstrate this. While it’s the cuts that make the headlines, we’re continuing to have a substantial impact on the city.”
Marvin Rees' 100 achievements
1. 56 New Council Houses completed by Bristol City Council
2. Secured government funding to help develop the first new railway station in the Bristol area in over 20 years
3. Launched Sugar Smart Bristol
4. Reopened Prince Street Bridge to traffic after long delays started under the last administration
5. Ran a Women’s health conference for International Women’s Day
6. Introduced a social enterprise model to deliver council housing, using money from building housing for sale to subsidise new council housing
7. Launched Bristol Eating Better Awards
8. Carried out community reassurance visits to communities following Grenfell Tower incident
9. Provided a summer of free sports taster sessions to try and get families and children active and trying new sports.
10. Almost 150 extra empty council homes were brought back into use during 2016
11. Approved a new international strategy
12. Relaunched a scheme that aims to help people find good quality rented accommodation
13. Unveiled new layout for the centre increasing journeys into the city by 20 per cent whilst reducing queues and wait times
14. Jointly secured a £5m grant to help unlock investment in a fleet of more than 100 new low-emission buses powered by gas
15. Launched and published results of a full council review of its finances
16. Launched a £315k community grant scheme as part of the £1m Port Resilience Fund to support local organisations in Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston improve the spaces they operate from, the equipment they use and the services they offer
17. Victims of domestic abuse judged to be at risk are now given the highest priority for social housing on HomeChoice Bristol following a review
18. Joint-funded Bristol’s first Taxi Cop
19. Launched dementia friendly swimming sessions at all council-run leisure centres
20. Bristol City Council and the city’s two large hospitals called on drivers to switch off their vehicles when idling in queues to help reduce exhaust emissions on National Clean Air Day
21. Plans for Youth Homeless Hub approved
22. Mayoral Air Quality Work Group formed to investigate new measures to reduce emissions after the council secured £500k from Government for a clean air study
23. Held a successful double stage of the National Tour of Britain 2016
24. The Mayor launched the Congestion Task Group to make recommendations on new ways to improve journeys for everyone in Bristol
25. Continued work to see teen pregnancy falling to a record low
26. City Office homelessness project
27. Funded 49 community organisations with £3.29m from the newly designed Bristol Impact Fund
28. Called together a meeting of over 200 community development workers from around the city to discuss better working practices (largest of its kind locally)
29. Residents Parking Scheme review completed with adjustments underway over the next six months, plus cost of parking permits have been frozen until 2020
30. The Mayor gave the green light for a £5m new heat network major infrastructure scheme to help Bristol on its journey to becoming carbon neutral by 2050
31. Welcomed more schools to the Bristol Healthy Schools programme
32. Launched a new way for voluntary sector to apply for grants through the Bristol Impact Fund
33. Mental health campaign; 5 ways to wellbeing; galvanising action
34. Started Temple Gate improvement works
35. Hosted a chess tournament for primary school pupils at City Hall to inspire future grandmasters
36. Trial of contactless payments on Bristol’s Park and Ride routes thanks to a partnership with First Bus
37. Hosted Bristol Big Drink Debate getting people talking about alcohol
38. £5m government funding secured for major highways maintenance on busy commuter route between Bristol and Bath. Along with £600k to resolve flooding problems in Scotland Lane, linking Stockwood to Brislington.
39. Launched a series of practical proposals for addressing the current financial challenge
40. The Mayor announced a new pre-feasibility study will investigate a new underground rail system for Bristol
41. The council joined up with Avon and Somerset Police to clamp down on fraudulent misuse of Blue Badges
42. Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge, a 110 year old Grade II listed bridge in south Bristol, was restored and opened for pedestrians and cyclists as part of the MetroBus project
43. Bristol won the UNESCO Learning City Award 2017
44. Worked with Bristol Uni to launch the Bristol Scholars scheme helping more local students access higher education
45. Joined 16 other LAs to launch Proud to Care campaign
46. Launched Severe Weather Emergency protocol procedure to ensure that homeless people in the city get access to rest and shelter in times of extreme weather
47. Held three well attended sports gathering from people within the local sporting community (from Bristol Sport down to Broad Plain Boys Club) to start conversations about how Bristol can make sport more accessible and better support it’s sporting achievements
48. Supported reading in schools with high profile visits
49. Ran a Learning at Work week with partners
50. Celebrated the success of Bristol’s childminders
51. Worked with partners to commission a new sexual health service for the region
52. Launch of full fibre pilot in Bristol. Bristol was chosen as one of six areas for a new broadband pilot to take place
53. Mayor’s charitable fund to help homeless organisations
54. Bristol City Council is working to bring empty school caretaker properties back into use as affordable family housing
55. Continued our proactive approach to City of Sanctuary status, ensuring that Bristol is a welcoming place for asylum seekers – particularly children without their families.
56. Launched Clean Streets campaign to make Bristol measurably cleaner by 2020
57. Work started to develop plans for the city’s largest housing regeneration scheme at Hengrove Park and Hartcliffe Campus in South Bristol
58. A new £800k floodwall was unveiled in the floating harbour to protect 170 homes and businesses from tidal flooding
59. Pedestrians and cyclists travelling through Castle Park benefitted from smoother journeys over its historic cobbles following a £200k improvement project
60. The first phase of overdue Bristol North Baths project was completed, enabling the new Bishopston Library to open after years of delay under previous administrations
61. The council joined forces with Bristol & District Rugby Football Combination to unveil a new £5.2m sports complex in Lockleaze
62. Enforcement campaign – new company set to be announced in the next couple of weeks.
63. Developing sporting opportunities for Bristol as part of the European City of Sport award
64. Bristol Libraries host two Drag Queen Story Time events
65. Opening City Hall to local artists to display their work
66. We are also developing a programme for community led housing - support for new projects in Southmead, Lawrence Weston, Redcliffe and Knowle West.
67. Released hundreds of Green Capital Invoices and published review
68. Signed off Devolution Deal meaning the more decisions will be made locally
69. Stopped enforcement action being taken against Blue Badge Holders who park in Resident Parking Schemes with immediate effect.
70. Announced plans to introduce a Bristol Charter for Corporate Social Responsibility
71. Launched the first Mayoral Commission to focus on the elimination of the gender and race pay gap
72. Bought back an ex-local authority property in Lawrence Hill to provide more housing
73. Launched the City Office, encouraging partners from across the city to come together and contribute to the immediate and long term challenges facing Bristol
74. Established a Brexit working committee
75. BBRC partnership to channel ethically motivated investment in to community led projects - work between BBRC/ City Office to identify and access right type of investment to fund the 50 year ambitions identified in our Bristol Plan
76. Steering Committee Global Parliament of Mayors
77. Introduced City Poet
78. On our way to becoming the first Local Authority to Ban the Box
79. Established a cultural strategy promoting inclusivity and access
80. Secured £30m of Arts Council funding over five years for culture and the arts in Bristol – a 12 per cent increase on previous years
81. Set up Bristol City Council constitutional working group to review the council’s decision-making processes, ensuring the council does the best possible job for al those who live, work and visit the City.
82. Held a Taxi drivers conference
83. Delivering breakfast clubs with support of city officer members
84. Signed the Council up to the ACORN ethical letting charter
85. Overseas visit to China, resulting in a two-year sister city agreement
86. Recovered empty properties due to be sold to provide accommodation for homeless people
87. Have launched new 'decision pathway' to improve the flow of information and decisions in the council
88. Passed a budget with more money for living wage provision, including for carers, and prioritised the budget for people services, directing as many spending reductions as possible away from essential services and safeguards the commitments we’ve made to the city.
89. Investing £1.5 million in foster carers to ensure that young people can stay with their foster families until the age of 21.
90. Housing delivery plan and a business case for housing delivery unit
91. UoB second campus by Temple Meads plans announced
92. Public space protection order in the Bear Pit
93. Held the city’s first children in care awards (EPIC awards)
94. Celebrated 70th anniversary of being twinned with Hannover and Bordeaux
95. Bristol construction apprentices celebrated in the On Site Apprentice Awards
96. Championing BME talent development and opportunity creation
97. Heritage Lottery Funding secured to protect rare and unique sound recordings for future generations
98. Celebrating the life of Dr Paul Stephenson
99. Building nationally recognised centres for learning in our museums
100. With other Core Cities, called on government for more powers and investment to help Bristol achieve its potential