Being hungry can make it hard to resist the temptation of an unhealthy snack - or two. Most try and avoid the temptation of the supermarket meal deal by bring their own food to the office from home.

Dr Amir Khan, known from various ITV morning programmes like Good Morning Britain and Lorraine, is the exact same. He shared his perfect lunchtime meal that he claims is so effective, he eats it every day.

Not only is it incredibly easy and cost-effective to prepare, but it also contains all the essential nutrients, helping with weight loss by keeping you full and reducing the urge to snack. The NHS doctor recently took to TikTok to share his go-to lunch with his 52.9k followers, SurreyLive reports.

He explained: "It stops me from snacking and reduces the risk of me heading to reception to get chocolates that have been brought in a patient." The night before work, Dr Khan prepares a salad that ticks all the boxes for a satisfying and nutritious meal.

He continued: "It's got red onions in there, which are great for gut health and red onions in particular have a plant compound called anthocyanin in them, which have been shown to be heart healthy. I've also got some chopped cucumber in there, which is a very good source of vitamin K, needed for healthy bones.

Dr Amir Khan
Dr Amir Khan

"There's fibre in the skin of the cucumber which is good for my gut health and cucumbers also contain a plant compound called cucurbitacin, which might have some anti-cancer properties." He also includes chopped tomatoes in his salad, which Dr Khan said are "high in antioxidants; lycopene and beta-carotene", known to help fend off cell damage from free radicals.

His healthy day starts at home though, and he shared that he enjoys a hearty bowl of porridge before a busy day in the doctor's surgery. He said this was fibre-packed and kept him "fuller for longer".

For a protein boost, he enjoys chickpeas in his salad, alongside ample fibre to keep himself satisfied and reduce snacking. When dressing his greens, Dr Khan opts for a "glug of olive oil" which boasts plenty of "high is monounsaturated fats", paired with lime juice, an excellent source of vitamin C.

After his salad, Dr Khan savours a variety of nuts such as brain and heart-healthy walnuts rich in "great plant omega-3 fatty acids", and pistachios packed with "fibre and antioxidants". He concludes his meal with blueberries, yet another potent source of antioxidants.