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Woman battling stage four cancer reveals three little-known symptoms she ignored

Georgie Swallow was diagnosed with stage four cancer at the age of 28 after ignoring three unusual symptoms - and then found out she was heading into early menopause

Georgie Swallow was diagnosed with stage four cancer(Image: Georgie Swallow/Cover Images)

A woman has revealed how she ignored three signs of stage four cancer, brushing them aside as simply symptoms of stress and fatigue.

Georgie Swallow attributed her itchy legs, night sweats, and a constant feeling of exhaustion, to the pressures of daily life.

But that all changed when she visited her GP. She revealed: "I would itch until I broke the skin which would keep me up all night. I went to the doctor and they thought it could be stress, allergies or urticaria but no cream or lifestyle change would make it go."

She continued to suffer weight loss, night sweats, unrelenting tiredness, and a continuous onslaught of colds and flu, mistakenly believing she was just overworking herself.

It wasn't until further tests were conducted that Georgie received the shocking diagnosis of cancer. "Honestly, it took the doctor telling me 'you have stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma' for me to realise how serious it was," she said.

Georgie dismissed her symptoms as something minor at first (Image: Boots/Cover Images)

"After being off work for about two weeks with a serious bout of flu I went into the office and whilst at my desk discovered a peach sized lump in the side of my neck.

"Even then I wasn't too worried because I just never even contemplated there would be anything serious wrong with me, naively!"

Georgie, who initially thought she was "wasting everyone's time" with what she assumed were minor symptoms, later discovered the deceptive nature of lymphoma. She highlighted: "This is why lymphoma is diagnosed so late because you can brush the symptoms off so easily as other things."
