Vespa + Segway = Z-SCOOTER 電動滑板車

by Twelve
2018.07.11 08:18AM
Scooter, Electric vehicle, Segway PT, Car, Vespa, Motorcycle, , Design, Self-balancing scooter, Wheel, bel & bel, mode of transport, product, motor vehicle, product, scooter, kick scooter, automotive design, vehicle, motorized scooter

1946年誕生的義大利經典摩托車 Vespa 一直維持著高辨識度的外型,由直升機設計師 Corradoni D' Ascanio 所設計,現在結合了滑板的方便易攜與 Vespa 的美學,變成了總重30公斤的 Z-SCOOTER。

Scooter, Segway PT, Electric vehicle, Car, Motorcycle, Vespa, , EICMA, Vehicle, Electric motorcycles and scooters, Motorcycle, product, scooter, motor vehicle

Segway PT, Scooter, Electric vehicle, Piaggio, Vespa, , Vehicle, Motorcycle, Hybrid vehicle, , Vespa, red, product, font, product

Scooter, Segway PT, Electric vehicle, Vespa, , Motorcycle, Vehicle, Self-balancing scooter, Ninebot Inc., Segway, Scooter, font, product, brand, product, logo, graphics, computer wallpaper

最高時速為20公里/小時,充電3-4小時可行駛35公里。使用特斯拉Model S中使用的超級鋰電池,比一般的電動踏板車多了50%的電力。另外也可以透過手機藍牙進行控制。

Scooter, Segway PT, Electric vehicle, Vespa, , Ninebot Inc., Self-balancing scooter, Personal transporter, Vespa 150, Vespa ET, ninebot vespa, automotive design, product, wheel, sports equipment

Segway PT, Scooter, Piaggio Ape, Piaggio, Electric vehicle, Vespa, , Ninebot Inc., Self-balancing scooter, Personal transporter, ninebot vespa, red, mode of transport, scooter, motor vehicle, product, automotive design, tricycle, vehicle, product, vespa



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