Can YOU tell how old she is? Super-fit mother looks so young people think her 22-year-old son is her boyfriend

  • Liu Yelin has stunned millions of people with her incredibly youthful looks
  • The mother-of-one said she rarely uses cosmetics, but is a fitness fanatic
  • She's often asked by strangers if her son, in his 20s, is her new boyfriend
  • Last year, the active woman swam across the Strait of Malacca in four hours

Liu Yelin got her first job in 1985, aged 17.

More than three decades later, the ex-librarian, who has already retired, doesn't look much older.

With glowing skin, a super-toned body and not a single wrinkle in sight, China-born Ms Liu has stunned millions of people with her incredibly youthful looks.

Can you believe she's nearly 50? Liu Yelin, from China, rose to fame for her youthful looks

Can you believe she's nearly 50? Liu Yelin, from China, rose to fame for her youthful looks

Stay active: The woman, 49, said many people wouldn't believe her when she revealed her age

Stay active: The woman, 49, said many people wouldn't believe her when she revealed her age

After posting her pictures on social media, Ms Liu has got 75,000 followers
Ms Liu said she liked looking pretty from a very early age

Social media star: After posting her pictures on Weibo, Ms Liu has got 75,000 followers

Not a couple: Ms Liu (pictured with her son) said she's often mistaken for her son's girlfriend

Not a couple: Ms Liu (pictured with her son) said she's often mistaken for her son's girlfriend

Proud mother: Ms Liu said he son, 22, works as an assistant at a film production company

Proud mother: Ms Liu said he son, 22, works as an assistant at a film production company

'People are often shocked to find out I'm almost 50,' Liu Yelin, 49, told MailOnline. 

'Whenever I went shopping and told people my real age, I often got mobbed by strangers who wanted to find out my secrets.'

Ms Liu then shared with us her motto: 'If you think you look rough, that's because you haven't sweated enough.'

She added: 'I feel like I'm still 15.'

Ms Liu is seen in the picture aged 15.
Ms Liu is seen in the picture aged 49. Born in 1968 in China's Henan Province, Ms Liu said she liked fashion from an early age

Then and now: Born in 1968 in China's Henan Province, Ms Liu said she liked fashion from an early age. The woman can be seen wearing stylish clothing aged 15 (left) and 49 (right)

Life-time hobby: Ms Liu said her favourite pastime is swimming outdoors, especially in winter

Life-time hobby: Ms Liu said her favourite pastime is swimming outdoors, especially in winter

Her perseverance in sports has made her appear almost as young as her son
She attributes her youthful looks to the regular exercise she's kept to for three decades

She attributes her youthful looks to the regular exercise she's kept to for three decades. Her perseverance has made her appear almost as young as her son (left, pictured together) 

Ms Liu flaunts her firm figure by uploading photos which show her in attractive bikinis

Ms Liu flaunts her firm figure by uploading photos which show her in attractive bikinis

Liu Yelin, who is also known by her screen name Ye Wen, was born in 1968 in Xinyang, central China's Henan Province.

The confident and energetic retiree said her age-defying appearance has caused her headache. People who don't know her often mistake her son, 22, for her boyfriend.

Ms Liu said once she went to attend a friend's wedding with her son, who works as an assistant at a film production company. She was pestered by many guests who wanted to find out if the 22-year-old was her new partner.

Ms Liu became famous after one of her fans wrote an article about her and shared it online

Ms Liu became famous after one of her fans wrote an article about her and shared it online

Her youthful appearance and sporty lifestyle quickly drew her the attention from the public
Ms Liu said she is an adventurous person and likes challenging herself

Her youthful appearance and sporty lifestyle quickly drew her the attention from the public

The mother said one of her biggest hobby is to swim in the lake near her home. She swims three to five kilometres (1.8 to 3.1 miles) every day in summer
Three decades of swimming has helped her build a body supermodels find hard to compete

Decades of swimming has helped her build a body supermodels find hard to compete with

Keep it up: The youthful looking mother confessed  it's not easy to stick to her rigorous routine

Keep it up: The youthful looking mother confessed it's not easy to stick to her rigorous routine

Although the active mother has enviable olive skin and flawless complexion, she claimed that she rarely uses cosmetics. 

Instead, Ms Liu, a fitness fanatic, attributes her youthful looks to the regular exercise she's kept to for three decades.

'I swim in the lake and do weight training every day,' she said. 'My favourite thing is swimming outdoors in winter.

'When everyone was wearing down jackets, I had to strip down to my bikini and dive into freezing water. It's a test for my will and perseverance. I often had to force myself to do it.'

Nevertheless, 30 years of sub-zero swimming has helped Ms Liu build a body even supermodels find hard to compete with.

Natural beauty: Contrary to what many would guess, the mother said she rarely uses makeup

Natural beauty: Contrary to what many would guess, the mother said she rarely uses makeup

The mother of a 22-year-old man siad she owes her good figure to an active lifestyle
She said: 'When everyone was wearing down jackets, I had to stripped down to my bikini and dove into freezing water'

The mother of a 22-year-old man siad she owes her good figure to an active lifestyle

Ms Liu is also a compassionate and charitable person. She is seen holding a certificate after donating blood on her birthday this year. She said she donates blood every year

Ms Liu is also a compassionate and charitable person. She is seen holding a certificate after donating blood on her birthday this year. She said she donates blood every year

On Ms Liu's social media account, she flaunts her firm figure daily by updating photos which show her in bright sportswear or attractive bikinis.

They have not only attracted nearly 75,000 social media followers for Ms Liu, but also caught the attention of dozens of TV directors, who fought to get her on their programmes.

Above all, Ms Liu said her tough workout regime has sharpened her character and made her the strong, straightforward person she is today.

The mother has swum across the Yangtse River in China and the Han River in South Korea. 

In March 2016, she set a challenge for herself: to swim across the sea for the first time. She successfully crossed the Strait of Malacca after setting out from the shores of Penang, Malaysia. 

The active mother boasts enviable olive skin, flawless complexion and a super-trim figure

The active mother boasts enviable olive skin, flawless complexion and a super-trim figure

Although she's nearly 50 years old, Ms Liu said she feels like she's still a 15-year-old girl
She's seen posing with ice cream in a selfie on her social media account

Although she's nearly 50 years old, Ms Liu said she feels like she's still a 15-year-old girl

Last year, Ms Liu swam four hours across the Strait of Malacca, a challenge she set for herself

Last year, Ms Liu swam four hours across the Strait of Malacca, a challenge she set for herself

'I want to stay this beautiful when I'm 80 years old,' said Ms Liu. The woman said her new goal is to travel around the world

'I want to stay this beautiful when I'm 80 years old,' said Ms Liu. The woman said her new goal is to travel around the world

'It's probably the hardest thing I have done in my life so far. I was used to swimming in rivers and lakes, but I had never swum in the sea.

'I struggled because my goggles were leaking and my tongue hurt so much from touching seawater.

'I felt as if there were dozens of cuts on my tongue, and when the salty seawater flowed into my mouth, it was unbearably painful.' 

Despite the ordeal, Ms Liu successfully crossed the choppy channel after swimming 12 kilometres (7.48 miles) non-stop. It took her four hours.

She was still excited when she described the life-changing experience: 'For me as an ordinary person, it was a big challenge and a great success.'

After conquering the hearts of the Chinese public, Ms Liu said her next goal is to travel around the world. 

'I'm a spontaneous person, so I might pack up my bag and travel to Europe on a whim.'

She also said: 'I want to stay this beautiful when I'm 80 years old.'

The woman then concluded: 'I share my stories because I want to encourage more women to keep up exercising for a more beautiful and confident self.' 

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