Pregnant women are being urged to get their winter vaccines as the Ayrshire Maternity Unit gears up to host bespoke vaccine clinics from Monday.

Expectant mothers are being reminded that they are eligible for seasonal flu and Covid-19 vaccines, which can be given at any stage of pregnancy and are safe if you are planning on breastfeeding.

The Ayrshire Maternity Unit (AMU) at University Hospital Crosshouse will be hosting specialised vaccine clinics for service users from Monday, December 19 onwards.

If you wish to attend please call 01563 825306 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 1pm) to book an appointment.

Alternatively, pregnant women can also attend any of the local drop-in clinics scheduled in Ayrshire, with details on the options available here.

Attica Wheeler, NHSA&A Associate Director of Nursing, Women and Children’s Services, said winter vaccines help protect expectant mothers and their baby from flu and coronavirus complications.

She said: “Unfortunately pregnant women are at higher risk of complications from both flu and coronavirus and that is why our health visitors and midwives are supporting women in Ayrshire to make an informed choice about vaccination.

“Pregnant women are being offered both the seasonal flu vaccine and a Covid-19 booster to help top up their protection levels this winter.

“The vaccines are safe to have at the same time and can be given at any stage of pregnancy.

“We’ll be welcoming expectant mothers for vaccination at the AMU from Monday, December 19, and I’d encourage anyone currently expecting a baby who hasn’t yet had their winter vaccines to call to make an appointment to come along.

“If that doesn’t suit, there are also drop-in winter vaccine clinics in various locations in Ayrshire where you can head along without an appointment.

Ms Wheeler added: “Winter vaccines help protect both you and your baby– don’t let your protection wane this winter.”

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