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Eight dead as mysterious 'bleeding eyes' virus spreads to new country

There is currently no cure for Marburg Virus Disease which has now beem detected in Tanzania with nine cases reported so far.

An outbreak of a highly deadly virus has been detected in Tanzania(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Eight people have died following a chilling outbreak of Marburg Virus also coined the 'bleeding eyes' disease. Two districts in the northwest Kagera region of Tanzania have reported outbreaks of the Marburg virus, which has a 50-50 survival rate and is thought to be among one of the deadliest diseases on earth, reports the Mirror.

Now, fears are rising the brutal illness could potentially spread as the location of the Marburg wave is highly populated and often used as a "hub". The World Health Organisation (WHO) is investigating a total of nine suspected cases, of which eight of those resulted in deaths in the districts of Biharamulo and Muleba

WHO confirmed they received "reliable reports from in-country sources" on January 10 regarding six suspected cases of the virus, of which five of the infected had sadly died. However, one day later the number climbed to nine cases and eight deaths.

Marbug is a deadly disease with horrific symptoms(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

The body said: "The cases presented with similar symptoms of headache, high fever, back pain, diarrhoea, haematemesis (vomiting blood), malaise (body weakness), and, at a later stage of disease, external haemorrhage (bleeding from orifices)."

"We would expect further cases in coming days as disease surveillance improves," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on X. "WHO has offered its full assistance to the government of Tanzania, and to affected communities. Marburg virus disease is an infectious, severe and often fatal disease caused by filovirus. Rapid action saves lives, including ensuring people with symptoms receive prompt care.

"We recommend neighbouring countries be on alert and prepared to manage potential cases. We do not recommend travel or trade restrictions with Tanzania at this time."

Samples have been taken from two patients and tested by the National Public Health Laboratory. WHO has said contacts, including healthcare workers, have been "identified" and "under follow-up in both districts."
