DWD - Ceilometer data and trajectories
The interactive map shows ceilometers and lidars operated around the world. Clicking on an icon opens a pop-up window showing the station name, the instrument type and, if available, the WMO and ICAO station identifiers. If a station offers quick looks, these are also displayed in the window or can be accessed by the link given. (More Information: "How ceilometers work and how the quick looks have to be interpreted")
The map offers the option to be overlaid with the latest cloud data (cloud cover, cloud-top height) resulting from satellite observations. It is also possible to overlay the latest forecasts of aerosol optical depth (total aerosol, dust particle levels) of the COPERNICUS Atmospheric Monitoring Service.
Additional information comes in the form of up-to-date forward trajectories by the DWD's global forecast model ICON, which are available for the volcanoes in Europe and the typical source regions of Saharan dust. Backward trajectories can be used for analysing air masses in order to trace their origin; they are available for the sites of the main meteorological observatories in Europe.
- Recommendations for processing atmospheric attenuated backscatter profiles from Vaisala CL31 Ceilometers (2016)
- A Technique for Autocalibration of Cloud Lidar (2004)
- EARLINET: towards an advanced sustainable European aerosol lidar network (2014)
- What is the benefit of ceilometers for aerosol remote sensing? An answer from EARLINET (2014)
- Aerosol profiling with the Jenoptik ceilometer CHM15kx (2012)