In many places where Trump is hugely popular, residents are increasingly reliant on state income transfers. The issue could fracture the Republican party
The gas and oil company is struggling to recover from record losses after Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine destroyed its business model
Labour-intensive manufacturing is vanishing and millions of jobs could be lost, with repercussions for stability and growth
An ambitious plan aims to double the size of the city and make it a hub for growth and innovation. But will its infrastructure cope?
The US president is testing constitutional limits and challenging the courts to stop him. Who will blink first?
Heavily subsidised fuels are being smuggled out of the country and sold abroad, helping sustain its rival political factions
In the past year, the Amazon founder has executed a sharp public reversal in his relationship with the president that has surprised even longtime associates
Many on Wall Street regard John Waldron as heir apparent to David Solomon. But a coronation may lead to an exodus of talent
Greenpeace is being sued by oil group over demonstrations a decade ago. Campaigners say the future of legal protest is at stake
The Chinese tech giant is establishing a lead in a fiercely competitive sector, and its billionaire founder is back in favour
Tariffs and cuts to the federal workforce are raising uncertainty and sapping confidence, while investor exuberance has faded
As it chooses a new president, the world’s biggest sporting event is facing an exodus of major sponsors and a fast-changing media landscape
Although Kyiv has agreed to a potential ceasefire, most people in the country expect the war to continue and retain the will to keep battling
The return of inflation was meant to restore a more ‘normal’ economy. But it has been a bumpy ride for both consumers and companies
Revolut and Monzo face steep challenges in a complex regulatory environment and competitive retail banking sector
Chancellor-to-be Friedrich Merz wants to expand investment in defence and infrastructure. The race to re-arm could be a much-needed boost for manufacturing
A London espionage trial has provided rare insight into the activities of Jan Marsalek, the former payments executive, and how Moscow is outsourcing its spying
Private wealth management companies for the super-rich now manage trillions of dollars globally. Critics say they are open to abuse
One of the world’s most complex financial conglomerates is attracting scrutiny for circular flows of cash involving its global property portfolio
Two of the biggest names in global macro trading, Alan Howard and Chris Rokos, embody differing approaches to legacy
As western governments dramatically scale back budgets, remaining funding is likely to be a more obvious tool of geopolitical interests
Countries want to squeeze more electricity from ageing power plants to help meet global demand, but the strategy has its own challenges
The British prime minister believes he can still be a bridge between the Trump White House and Europe. But is this anything other than wishful thinking?
Developers are constructing more in high-risk areas — illustrating the twin challenges of adapting to severe weather while addressing a housing shortage
As traditional parties decline, vaccine scepticism has become one of the anti-establishment forces filling the vacuum