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Concern raised as TEWV fails to send representative to face scrutiny panel

An agenda for Monday's meeting said representatives of the under-fire NHS trust would be in attendance to present its report

Roseberry Park Hospital and, inset, Cllr Morgan McClintock, who has concerns about the report from the trust(Image: Google Maps and Nunthorpe Parish Council)

Concern was raised after representatives from an under-fire NHS Trust missed a meeting to scrutinise its annual report.

The People Scrutiny Panel of Middlesbrough Council was due to hear presentations from both South Tees and Tees Esk and Wear Valley (TEWV) NHS Trusts regarding their draft reports, known as Quality Accounts. Three representatives from the South Tees trust presented their report and fielded questions, however no-one from the mental health trust was in attendance.

Cllr Morgan McClintock, who sits on the panel, told Monday's meeting: "I am very concerned that no representatives have appeared today given that the other trust [South Tees NHS Trust] has sent three to four people." He said his concerns about the TEWV report were "much more serious" than those relating to the South Tees report.

A council officer explained there had been "a scheduling conflict at the last minute" and the situation had been "unavoidable". Chair of the panel, Cllr Edward Clynch, said: "As we're only one part of checking these quality accounts hopefully, as that whole process goes along, those questions will be asked."

In response, Cllr McClintock said: "I don't really have questions... I have fundamental concerns about the whole nature of the report of a completely different order from the one that we've just had." The meeting was told members of the panel could email comments to the council officer and they would send them to the trust for a response.

Cllr McClintock said: "The problem is I may have concerns that are not shared by any other member of the committee. The whole point of the meeting together is to achieve a corporate balance and I may say things which could be regarded as inappropriate or ill-informed whereas my colleagues here could help with that so I'm disappointed that we're in this situation."

The scrutiny panel at the council is a statutory consultee on consultations held by local NHS services and can make recommendations concerning health service provision. In the agenda for the meeting, which was published in advance and contained the date and time of the meeting, it was stated that representatives of TEWV NHS Foundation Trust would be in attendance to present the draft annual report.

A spokesperson for the Trust, said: "The Quality Account is a statutory report we produce each year looking back at the important work we delivered with our communities. We work closely with patients, carers and partners on the report which sets out our quality priorities and further improvements we will make in the coming year. We value their contribution, and we offer a range of ways to provide feedback on our Quality Account."
