A doctor warned about the lasting damage getting under six hours sleep a night can have.
The odd restless night is completely normal, but consistently failing to get a decent kip could cause more harm than we realise, according to an expert.
Dr Naheel Ali told Reach PLC: "Getting less than six hours of sleep a night might not seem like a huge deal at first.
“But over time, it can take a serious toll on your mind and body. Sleep is when your body really does its best repair work, and therefore cutting it short leaves you running on empty and struggling in ways you might not even realise are connected to your lack of shut-eye.”
Asked to describe the impact for any sleep-deprived Brits out there, he said: “Your brain feels it initially.

“Memory gets unreliable, focus waivers, and decision-making becomes much harder. You’re also more irritable, less productive, and prone to stress.
“Over time this can lead to far bigger issues like anxiety or depression. Physically, the effects will soon start to pile up.
“Sleep deprivation weakens your immune system, so you start craving junk food that only makes you feel worse. As a result, this can lead to weight gain and potentially increase your risk of heart problems.”
And if you thought that was all, Dr Ali, senior contributor at Vera Clinic, did not end there.
Speaking about other surprise consequences, he continued: “Sleep also impacts areas you might not expect… like your hair.
“When you’re sleep-deprived your body’s natural repair cycle slows down, including the one that supports healthy hair growth - this can lead to dull, brittle strands or even thinning.”
If you are having trouble getting quality rest at night, sleep experts have revealed three easy tricks that may help you drop off quicker.
The NHS meanwhile listed seven signs or symptoms you may be suffering from sleep problems:
find it difficult to fall asleep
lie awake for long periods at night
wake up several times during the night
wake up early and be unable to get back to sleep
feel down or have a lower mood
have difficulty concentrating
be more irritable than usual