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All 151 Surrey neighbourhoods ranked according to latest coronavirus infection rates

Three neighbourhoods have an infection rate over 1,000

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All 151 neighbourhoods in Surrey have been ranked according to their coronavirus infection rates.

The latest Government hyperlocal figures, published on Saturday (October 30), show us where the virus is spreading the most.

Over 90 neighbourhoods across the county have a coronavirus infection rate higher than the national average for England, which is currently 435.6 per 100,000 person.

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Latest figures track the spread of coronavirus over the seven-day period leading up to October 25. Three neighbourhoods recorded an infection rate over 1,000.

Camberley North, in Surrey Heath, has an infection rate of 1,023.7 after 83 cases were recorded. This is the highest infection rate in Surrey.

Farnham Wrecclesham, in Waverley, has the second highest rate in the county. A total of 65 cases were recorded in the area, translating into an infection rate of 1,012.9 per 100,00 people.
