A battle over plans for a new tattoo shop is brewing in a Surrey village - with some claiming it would be "another tragedy" for the historic town - but the shop boss has branded the objections 'prejudicial and narrow minded'.
True Tattoo, which already has a Kingston parlour, has submitted an application for a change of use to a shop in Church Street, Cobham.
The plans received 91 objection letters and 42 letters in support, according to the council's planning portal, and officers have recommended the application be approved. A planning statement from the applicant, Christopher Perchard, said he hopes to revive the vacant store to support local communities, providing an "interesting and vibrant space that draws people back in".
Christopher Perchard said: "Tattoo studios are ‘destination shops’ bringing people from outside the local area to appointments. These customers often have a knock-on effect supporting other local businesses such a local shops and cafes."
He said the current retail space would be used for jewellery and collectables, with the upstairs storage rooms being used as private spaces for tattooing and body piercing space.
Mr Perchard added: "There are currently no other businesses of this nature within Cobham, and we believe there to be demand for our services."

But one objector said the proposed tattoo parlour would be "another tragedy for Cobham" should it go ahead. The objector added: "In Cobham it is already possible for every part of the body to be attended to.
"Your dog can be primped while you have a coffee/juice - a different coffee/juice shop for each day of the month and no repeats, and other such non-retail shops in profusion filling our village." Another objector said it would be "unhelpful" to Cobham if people were brought in to the village.
They claimed the tattoo studio would be a "niche services provider" which would not be relevant to "probably well over 50 per cent of the residents of Cobham who shop regularly in the area". Another objector said the plans would "exacerbate" infrastructure problems in the village.
Mr Acher said: "It is unhelpful to Cobham that this proposed service business will probably only succeed by drawing more people into Cobham.
"Our roads are already over congested and car parking is already inadequate and this particularly applies to Church Street as well as other parts of Cobham."
But the True Tattoo boss, Chris Perchard has hit back. He told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: "I must admit I was disheartened to read the objections to the planning proposal, many of which had a highly prejudicial and narrow minded tone that I feel shocked to see in 2023.
"In order to retain [highstreets] councils have begun to realise the necessity to diversify the types of business that occupy these spaces, or they run the risk of resembling many town centres that lay vacant and disused.
"The tattoo industry is a huge part of todays mainstream culture. We see customers of all ages and walks of life, from the eight year old girl who comes with her mum to get her first ear piercings, to the seventy six year old retired school teacher I tattooed last week, who was finally ticking a tattoo off the bucket list. Modern tattoo shops are inclusive spaces that have long shaken off the age old stigma of 'just being for sailors and punks."
Other objections raised concerns about the parlour's opening times, which may be later than other premises in the street, and the noise made by an air conditioning unit.
Mr Perchard however claimed that the shops proposed opening hours reflect neighbouring businesses and their current premises in Kingston sits below six flats, where he claims none of whom have had any noise concerns.
Among those who wrote in favour of the plans, Miss Dempse said it would be "fantastic to see a new business in Cobham that celebrates and supports its artists" and another said the plans could be "a massive boom" to the area.
Mr Walter, who said he had been a customer for years, added: "True Tattoo is a modern shop and feels it caters for everyone having a bright inviting environment and friendly staff.
"It is a very tastefully decorated shop fitting to the local aesthetic of Kingston and I'm sure the same care and consideration would be applied if the application were to be accepted."
But another objection on the grounds of the area's historic setting said tattoo parlours were "not what was seen historically" and that it would be out of context.
Mr Wise said: "Tattoo parlours are often noisy and this is compounded by their penchant for music to suit their clients. This type of facility and any resulting noise or music would mar Church Street unreasonably. Further these buildings are just not sound proofed like modern buildings so such use cannot be countenanced."
But True Tattoo boss Mr Perchard hit back once more. He told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: "In reference to comments that a tattoo shop is "not what was historically seen" I would suggest that perhaps neither are a dog grooming parlour or the nail salon that neighbour the property, but alas its 2023 not 1605 so perhaps the horologist that once occupied the premises is a little less relevant in this day and age and maybe we should look elsewhere to fill a shop that has remained vacant for over eighteen months."
Meeting documents show there would be no external changes to the building, except for adding air conditioning units.
With the current shop having been without a permanent tenant for the last 18 months, according to one letter in support, officers said bringing a shop into use would be positive.
Elmbridge Borough Council's south area planning sub-committee is due to make a decision on the plans on Wednesday November 8.