A Merstham resident who says his road is 'used like a race track' after witnessing a vehicle crash into parked cars is worried a nearby soon to be completed park renovation will lead to more children crossing the road and a 'unsafe' street.
Just before 5pm on November 26 the resident says that he witnessed a car hit and damage several parked vehicles at the junction of Deans Road and Albury Road, two residential streets in Merstham.
He said he was at his home on Albany Road when he heard a 'terrific bang'. He added: “I knew it was a car accident outside; I could hear people shouting. I immediately went out and saw the person who I can only assume caused the crash speeding off with a moped driver behind him.
"From what I could tell, at least two other cars and a van had been hit. One car had a dented back bumper and crumpled wheel arch. There was a lot of debris to sweep up, and lots of people were asking questions.
“We see people speeding down the road all the time. It happens every hour of every day. We’re just waiting for incidents like this to happen.”
When asked about his biggest concerns for the area, the resident replied: “The park leading out to Albury Road is very nearly finished being renovated, and we’ll likely see many more children crossing the street from now on. Things could become very unsafe.”
This refers to the renovation of the nearby Merstham Recreation Ground, which is currently undergoing a £3 million project, expected to open early next year, that will include a new play area, cafe and football pitch.
The resident mentioned that he is considering starting a petition so that traffic calming measures can be put in place along the roads.