Blog for Katrina Relief Has Begun
The day of blogging for Katrina relief has begun. Instapundit has many of the first posts onthe subject and will be the workhorse, as always. NZ Bear’s list is still open, so please think about signing up. Please visit your favorite bloggers and keep the checkbooks nearby.
Tomorrow’s program will be all bloggers all the time after we open with Mark Steyn if we can find him. (I wouldn’t be surprised if Steyn was trying to boat his way into the French Quarter.) Mark is suggesting the Mercy Corps as a great place to make a donation.
UPDATE: Mark Daniels has the Lutheran options. HedgehogBlog has the LDS options.
I am pushing Canal Street Presbyterian Church in the heart of New Orleans.
And the Soldiers Angels fund directed specifically to the families of Gulf Coast area soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines. And Coast Guard. What heroics we have seen from Coast Guard pilots and crew these past few days.