Britney Spears' youngest son believes relationship with mother can be repaired

Britney Spears' youngest son has broken his silence over life with his popstar mother, telling ITV News he just wants her to get better mentally - Lucy Watson has this special report

The popstar has two sons Preston, 16, and Jayden, 15, with ex-husband Kevin Federline, but the boys are estranged from their mother.

In an interview for ITV News, conducted by the US journalist Daphne Barak, Jayden -who hasn't seen his mother since spring - said he was hopeful their relationship could be reconciled.

During the interview, Jayden who requested the interview, which was conducted in the presence of his father and with his permission, said: "I 100% think this can be fixed of course.

“It's just going to take a lot of time and effort... I really want to see her again."

Kevin Federline with son Jayden. Credit: Bill (Erbil) Gustani

The 15-year-old also believes the conservatorship that gave Britney's father control of her career and personal life “did go [on] for a little too long”.

Jayden said Jamie Spears wanted his daughter to go after her dreams, but the legal arrangement that followed was drawn out.

"At first he was just trying to be like any father, like pursue his daughter's dream of being a superstar," he said.

"But I did think maybe the conservatorship did go [on] for a little too long - probably why my mum was very angry about the whole situation because she felt as if she was working for too long, which I personally think yeah, she was."

'I think the conservatorship went on for too long'

The pop superstar fought to end the complex legal arrangement she was placed under in 2008 amid substance abuse and mental health issues, and in November 2021 a judge in a Los Angeles court ruled the conservatorship should be terminated immediately.

Britney lost custody of her two sons in 2007 following concerns over her mental health, but she now shares custody with Federline.

On living with his older brother Preston at their father's home, Jayden said: "We've both been through so much pressure in the past that this is our safe place now, to process all the emotional trauma we've been through."

During the interview the 15-year-old recalled the moment he realised how famous his mum was while in a hotel in Las Vegas.

'I came to the realisation of how famous she was and how successful she is as a person, and that kind of inspired me'

“There was this TV, and it showed all the people, and it showed her singing and dancing on the stage and when I saw that, I thought wow, that is a lot of people," Jayden said.

"And I came to the realisation of how famous she was and how successful she is as a person, and that kind of inspired me."

The superstar has always used social media to provide updates to her legions of fans, but her youngest son hopes one day she will no longer post as much.

“It’s like almost as if she has to put something on Instagram to get attention," Jayden said.

"This has gone on for years and years and years, and there’s a high chance that this is never going to really stop, but I’m hoping for me, maybe she will."

Britney Spears with sons Preston and Jayden at a movie premiere in 2013 in LA. Credit: AP

Responding to her son's comments, Britney posted a lengthy statement on Instagram saying it "deeply saddens" her hearing that she "wasn't up to his expectations of a mother".

"I say to my son Jayden that I send all the love in the world to you every day for the rest of my life!!!! My love for my children has no boundaries," she added.

The popstar again hit out at the conservatorship her family placed her under and said she'd tried to be the best person she can while being "held hostage" under the arrangement.

She that she "would love nothing more" than to meet her children "face to face and talk about this openly".

Britney added: "Keep playing your gift on the piano... You and your brother are brilliant and I'm so proud to call you mine."

Watch the full interview with Jayden at 7pm on ITV tonight.

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